REVIEW: 1408

There are few things better than a classic
scary movie. You know, the kind that makes the hairs on the
back of your neck stand up and pushes you to the edge of your
chair until you feel you can't breath. Well, take a short
story by Stephen King and add to it a remarkable actor like
John Cusack and you have your classic.
This movie based on a short story by the
same name, in Steven King's "Everything's Eventual", deals
with a man made bitter and cynical by the tragic loss of his
daughter. He becomes a writer of the supernatural, staying at
the most infamous locations while telling his readers what
they want to hear, but not actually believing in anything
himself. That is, until he receives a post card warning him
not to go into room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel. He wheels and
deals himself into the room expressing his disbelief the
entire way. Finally in the room, ready to spend the night,
his journey into madness begins.
John Cusack is a seasoned actor, starring in a lot of the
earlier teeny bopper movies, such as Sixteen Candles and Say
Anything, and in more dramatic roles such as High Fidelity,
and has always been a good actor, both believable and
charmingly sweet, maybe even a little quirky. This movie has
catapulted him to a different league all together. First, you
need to know that most of the movie is just him in this
creepy little room, and he really pulled it off. He made this
character very likable even though his character starts off
as a bit of a jerk, then becomes a man struggling not to lose
his mind, and really looked like a man on the brink.
As for the movie itself, it follows the same general flow
of the book, but the writers added a lot of elements that the
short story itself did not contain. I think for Stephen King
fans, it will be disappointing, because the actual
psychological fear and horror the book provides, is missing
from the movie. But, if you can overlook that and do not
compare it to its literary counterpart, you'll be pleasantly
surprised to have a creepy, darkly humorous, and even
heartbreaking story. If your looking for a movie that will
make you jump, laugh and even cry, this is a movie you will
enjoy. It is both haunting and clever. I think this one is
destined to become a classic. For Stephen King's most die
hard fans, if you look and listen real hard, you'll find a
lot of his signature quotes and his general style in this
movie more so than some of his other adaptation. I definitely
recommend it, with only one piece of advice, bring a tissue.
You'll see what I mean.
Review By Helen
People Movie Review
Pete |
0 |
When a movie tanks most admit they've
wasted their time and money, then there
are those too ashamed to admit they've
been duped and try to convince
themselves and others how intellectually
clever and stimulating the movie was.
The screenwriters (yes there were three)
run out of imagination and, like the
Cusack character, can't figure their way
out of 1408 either. Even GroundHog Day
came to a conclusion. Instead, 1408's
writers, bless their combined, over paid
intellect, leave their audience hanging,
forced to fashion endings for
themselves. I could lend my
interpretations as others have (Afterall,
what choice have we?), but it would be
just ANOTHER interpretation. Instead of
ending, the movie loops.
A true work of art leaves its meaning
open to infinate interpretation. Did I
just contradict myself? I'll let those
who fancy themselves 'intellectual'
figure that one out. The rest of us know
the answer. |
James |
100 |
I believe this site is called Smartcine
not "another movie review site where the
intellectually inept post unsupportive
and baseless reviews."
Really, how could it be possible for
anyone to not like this movie? I do know
one such audience-one that is only
concerned with being scared and not
interested in the intellectual aspect of
Every person has free will. You can
choose to live this hour again or use
our express check out system (suicide).
This storyline is perfect. A suspenseful
movie that only revealed itself in the
1408 is not about a hotel room. (duh!)
It is not about gore and horror. It is
about a man living in a personal hell
that he chooses to relive over and
over-the death of his daughter. This is
what it meant when the hotel
operator/ghostly spirit/his subconscious
said that every man has free will and
you can choose to live this hell over
and over, check out (suicide), or face
your demons.
Ultimately, John Cusack did face his
demons and what an incredible
performance for someone continues to
entertain on so many levels.
How brilliant it was to choose a Karen
Carpenter song to play on the radio.
Anyone who knows her story certainly
knows she too faced her personal demons.
Bravo Stephen King, John Cusack, the
Director and everyone involved. This
movie was genius and entertained on
every conceivable method. |
Brooke |
10 |
Definately didnt live up to the
expectations. I DID NOT want to see this
movie b/c i'm a wuss and i was sure it
would give me nightmares for weeks! but
of course i was convinced to watch it
and i was EXTREMELY disappointed! it
wasnt scary at all, seemed to me the
same "ghosts" and events just kept
repeating throughout the movie. the
beginning was good, my props to the
ending (considering the rest of the
movie) but other than that BIG thumbs
down |
John |
50 |
What a disappointment. It was a good
movie until halfway through and then it
fell apart. Save your money. |
Hannah |
100 |
w/e this is like the best scary movie
ive ever seen. by far the best of steven
kings ... the book ........ the
movie rocked
Peter |
0 |
Well the movie was good but for some
people in may be cunfusing and seem bad
to you it could go either way |
Sarah |
100 |
I loved this movie it was so creepy and
well made, it drew me right in.
Definately going to see it again for
another good scare ;-) |
Amber |
10 |
What a long, grueling 134 minutes. The
whole last 45 minutes was irrelevant to
what would have been a decent movie.
Just when you think the movie is over,
the plot takes a turn for the worst. Way
too out there for practical people. |
Submit Your Movie Review
Director: Mikael Håfström
Writer: Matt Greenberg
Scott Alexander
Larry Karaszewski
Horror Thriller
Duration: 1hr 34mins
John Cusack
Samuel L. Jackson
Mary McCormack
Tony Shalhoub
Producer: Lorenzo
di Bonaventura
Distributor: Weinstein
Release Date: June 22, 2007