Wolverine and The X-Men Final Crisis
OVERVIEW: This August, Marvel Animation and Lionsgate Home Entertainment team up to bring Wolverine fans the sixth and final DVD installment from Nicktoons Network’s first season of the hit animated series “Wolverine And The X-Men.” The Wolverine And The X-Men: Final Crisis Trilogy DVD features the action-packed 3-part season finale that follows the besieged Mutants as they find themselves in the midst of an epic battle to preserve their peaceful sanctuary on Genosha! Trapped in the future, Xavier, Bishop and the rest of the X-Men prepare to make a final, hopeless stand against Master Mold to avoid execution. Meanwhile in the present, Wolverine must defeat Magneto and the Inner Circle to prevent a catastrophic future from coming to pass. Wolverine And The X-Men: Final Crisis Trilogy, featuring an audio commentary with Supervising Producer Craig Kyle, Head Writer Greg Johnson and Writer Chris
Yost. The final battle begins August 17, 2010.
With 45 years of best selling comic books, a massive fan base spanning all ages and four feature films grossing over one billion dollars at the box office, the franchise is a proven phenomenon. The Wolverine And The X-Men DVD volumes 1-5 have already sold over 530,000 DVD copies to date. Though the animated series is targeted to Boys from ages 6-11, it also appeals to comic book fans of all ages! In addition, the DVD will be promoted on Marvel.com.
SYNOPSIS: The battle for the future ends in a shattering 3-part finale. It’s time to save the world from Xavier's catastrophic future in “Volume 6: Final Crisis Trilogy,” as Wolverine and the X-Men stop at nothing to prevent the world’s end. The shadowy Inner Circle has captured Jean Grey in order to possess the dangerous Phoenix inside her, while Magneto uses Mystique disguised as Senator Kelly, to launch the Sentinels on Genosha. After discovering the truth about the Circle’s plan, Emma Frost realizes she alone must try to harness the Phoenix force and save Jean before it’s too late. Meanwhile, in the future, Xavier unwillingly helps Master Mold track down every mutant on the planet…for execution. Only Wolverine can stop both Magneto and the Inner Circle, preventing the devastating future Xavier has foretold. Get ready for the ultimate battle in these three game-changing episodes. Who will succeed? The battle for the future has arrived.
Widescreen (1.78:1) 16x9
English 5.1 and 2.0 Dolby Digital
Subtitles - English Spanish
SPECIAL FEATURES: The DVD‘s special features as its first version is nothing to be impressed, it consist only of an audio commentary and commercials.
Audio commentary with Supervising Producer Craig Kyle, Head Writer Greg Johnson and Writer Chris Yost
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