Directed by the acclaimed actor and director Peter Mullan (My Name is Joe, The Magdalene Sisters), NEDS, or so-called Non-Educated Delinquents, takes place in the gritty, savage and often violent world of 1970s Glasgow. On the brink of adolescence, young John McGill is a bright and sensitive boy, eager to learn and full of promise. But the cards are stacked against him. Most of the adults in his life fail him in one way or another. His father is a drunken violent bully and his teachers – punishing John for the “sins” of his older brother, Benny – are down on him from the start. With no one willing to give him the chance he desperately needs, John takes to the savage life of the streets with a vengeance. NEDS is not only a story of lost hope, it is a story of survival by any means necessary.
NEDS is one of a selection of
Tribeca Film titles being distributed by New Video in 2011.
Tribeca Film is a distribution platform acquiring and releasing
films year-round and is supported by Founding Partner American
Express. The films range from award-winning dramas and revealing
documentaries to uproarious comedies and stunning animated
features, many of which premiered at the 2010 Tribeca Film
Festival prior to theatrical runs in New York and Los Angeles.
The films from the Tribeca Film slate were also available on
video on demand in 40 million U.S. homes simultaneously with
their Festival screenings through relationships with leading
telecom, cable and satellite providers.
Dolby Digital
5.1 English
Alternative Ending
Deleted Scenes
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