“Captain America: The First Avenger” will focus on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America. As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) to wage war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving.)
Peggy Carter:
How do you feel?
Steve Rogers:
Stronger and faster too! This has been an over the top summer movie season, easily one of the best in recent years. Blockbuster after blockbuster, this has been a very entertaining time at the cinema and it isn’t done yet per this next blockbuster. I honestly did not think this would carry the weight of an Iron Man or Thor or even Hulk. For starters, he doesn’t quite have the powers or abilities that these others do. The previews didn’t seem all that exciting either so I was not expecting much. Boy is it good to not expect much cause many times you are delighted with what you get. This movie blew me away with its simplicity and straightforwardness. This one really looks like a comic book come to life. The 40s look was impeccable, the story was just right, the cinematography was exceptional, the action was sharp, and the special effects were about as good as anything else you’ve ever seen. Starting with a short, skinny, and scrawny Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, pre-super soldier procedure, the effects were very convincing. What a look for Chris, but of course it is meant to accentuate the post-procedure look. The movie as a whole was pretty awesome and even moving. The patriotism throughout was special and well done, and it’s something we all need a little more of nowadays. The biggest treat for me, however, is how seamlessly well Marvel’s Avengers are all being tied together. For example, Howard Stark and Stark Industries play major roles in this film. Oh yeah, there is also the most consistent characteristic of Marvel movies, the Stan Lee cameo. Yeap, he’s at it again.
Chris Evans is probably the only movie star to have played three completely different characters with distinct “powers”. The most obvious one is the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four and now this one, but do you remember his starring role in Push? He must be doing something right. The difference in this one though is that he is not the usual over-confident smug character that he normally portrays. Here he is humble, noble, good-hearted, determined and longing to serve his country. Chris does a fine job with this underdog turned superhero role and you’ll be cheering him on all the way. His nemesis is very well played by none other than Hugo Weaving. Not quite as good as Agent Smith, but effective nonetheless. Tommy Lee Jones is brilliantly cast as Colonel Chester Phillips, Rogers’ commanding officer and skeptic. He is as sharp as always. Stanley Tucci stands out with his supporting role that was brief but meaningful. The last but not least performer I would like to honorably mention is the “a lot more attractive than I originally thought” Hayley Atwell. She is a lot more than just the pretty girl in this movie though. It is a good thing that Joe Johnston was chosen to direct this film because, based on his resume, he could give this film more depth and not have it come out like another cookie cutter comic book flick . . . mission accomplished. Now your mission, especially if you are a fan of superhero movies, is to get out and see this movie. It might surprise you as it did me.
By Cine Marcos
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