SYNOPSIS: In the follow-up to the record-breaking hit comedy “The Hangover,” Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms), Alan (Zach Galifianakis) and Doug (Justin Bartha) travel to exotic Bangkok, Thailand, for Stu’s wedding. After the unforgettable bachelor party in Las Vegas, Stu is taking no chances and has opted for a safe, subdued pre-wedding brunch. But, despite his best-laid plans, on the night before the event a moonlight toast turns into an all-night blackout. What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what happens in Bangkok can’t even be imagined.
REVIEW: For those of you that enjoyed the original Hangover, this sequel will definitely top your expectations. With the original cast present, the wolfpack travels to Thailand for another exciting wedding. This time Stu is getting married and Phil, Alan, and Doug are the guests of honor. After many attempts from Stu to keep things under control and avoid a similar “Vegas” disaster, everything goes out the window when they wake up in a crazy apartment in the middle of Bangkok experiencing one of their famous blackouts. Trying to put things together to get back to normal, everything gets out of control once more. From car chases to smoking monkeys, this movie will take you for a fun ride. This time the worst happens, even their freedom is on the line. You don’t want to miss the adventures of the wolfpack taking on Bangkok.
Zach Galifianakis’ (Alan)
performance it’s hilarious. He brings a contagious humor to
this type of film. With a brand new look, every phrase or
gesture from him ignites the laughter of the theater. You will
want to witness the great chemistry between this group of
comedians, including Ken Jeong . His character is extremely
dynamic, on one scene he’s laying back on his couch, for the
next he’s leading a car chase all over Bangkok. There is a lot
of dark humor featured in this film, watch out for minors. Don’t
forget to stay during the credits to watch all the photos from
this wild night, they will leave you speechless. This is the
perfect movie to relax and have some laughs; by far it’s the
best comedy of the year.
By The PM
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