Eun-yi is an innocent young woman who is hired as an upper class family housemaid, and is tasked to take care of the family’s small daughter and her pregnant mother, Hae-ra. Byung-sik is an older housemaid who has been with this family for a long time and holds many secrets. But soon enough, the master of the house, Hoon, takes advantage of his social position by slipping into the new housemaid’s bed. Hoon’s visits become frequent and Byung-sik reports the affair to Hae-ra’s mother Mi-hee, who plots to give Hae-ra the control over her husband. Soon Eun-yi becomes pregnant by Hoon and wants to keep the baby. This is discovered by the family and Eun-yi is forced by Mi-hee to have an abortion despite the young woman’s pleas to let her keep the baby and leave the house. Her forced abortion turns Eun-yi’s already fragile mental condition for the worse and she decides to take the matter into her own hands…
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