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The heroic story of a North African dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.
Sacha Baron Cohen is at it again, thank goodness because I really needed to overwrite the memories of Bruno with something better. I am a big fan of Borat, even with all its outlandishness, but Bruno was just wrong. Sacha now brings us this new character, Aladeen the dictator, and he’s back to basics. Yes the movie is brimming with outlandishness as you’d expect. There is a good amount of shock humor, normal humor, stupid humor, slapstick, and it’s even corny at times too. The movie itself is not exactly great, but it’s not meant to be; it’s meant to be funny and it is there that it succeeds, if you don’t mind Sacha’s style of humor. He really pushes the envelope with this extreme humor. It’s what he does best. It’s crazy, it’s raunchy, and it’s fun. It should be no surprise that there is plenty of anti-Semitism and anti-anything for that matter. Sacha’s calling card is to be politically incorrect. I was in tears (from laughing hard) within the first few minutes of the film, and that is always a sign of a good comedy for me.
To keep the consistency of Sacha’s work on the big screen, we have the same Director for this film as for the other two Sacha Baron Cohen movies, Larry Charles. What sets this one apart is that the plot has more substance. There is actually more of a story here as opposed to just random acts of comedy blended together. Larry and Sacha are evolving and that’s nice to see. We still have an off-the-wall Sacha character but now he is surrounded by other characters with some depth which in turn gives the movie more depth. This is good. And yet, all in all, I think Borat was slightly better. I guess because it was first with the initial shock of what is the comedy of Sacha Baron Cohen. Now with his third movie there is less element of surprise, but it’s still pretty good and worth watching if you are looking for a solid laugh.
By Cine Marcos
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Director: Larry Charles
Writer: Sacha Baron Cohen, Alec Ber
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1hr 26mins
Staring: Sacha Baron Cohen
Anna Faris
Ben Kingsley
Megan Fox
John C. Reilly
Producer: Sacha Baron Cohen
Alec Berg
Distributor: PARAMOUNT
Rating: R for strong crude and sexual
content, brief male nudity, language
and some violent images Release Date:
March 16, 2012
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