
Inspired by Michael Doorley’s memoir of the same name, STELLA DAYS follows Father Daniel Berry (Martin Sheen, The Departed, The West Wing) as he plans to open a cinema in a small town in rural Ireland in the 1950s. With intense opposition from conservative residents, including an aspiring local politician (Oscar® nominee Stephen Rea, The Crying Game), the cinema becomes the setting for a dramatic struggle between faith and passion, Rome and Hollywood, and a man and his conscience..
Directed by Emmy® nominee Thaddeus O’Sullivan (Into the Storm), STELLA DAYS releases January 8 on DVD and Netflix from Cinedigm Entertainment Group, a division of Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corp. (NASDAQ: CIDM), and Tribeca Film. The film released in theaters in June 2012 and is currently available on iTunes, Amazon and Vudu..
STELLA DAYS encapsulates the dilemma of Ireland in the mid-1950s, perched on the cusp of the modern but still clinging to the traditions of church and a cultural identity forged in very different times. The conflict between love and duty, hope and faith, and the excitement of the unknown versus the security of the familiar are various themes in the film that Father Berry struggles with as he moves forward with his plans to open the cinema..
“The particular ‘darkness’ that Father Berry wrestles with is a loss of purpose, a loss of conviction in his vocation, and it was exactly this confusion that attracted me,” said director Thaddeus O’Sullivan. “Stubborn and proud as he is, Father Barry is a man who comes to doubt profoundly in his right to judge, to exercise power and authority within the community, as much as he doubts that he knows the will of God – while remaining deeply spiritual. This makes him deeply human and a humanist.”
English 5.1
and 2.0 Dolby Digital Surround Sound
the Scenes with the Cast and Crew