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Angela's Ashes: Friday Jnauary 21, 1999

In 1935, when it is more common for Irish families to leave their famine-stricken country for America, the impoverished McCourt family do the reverse. Following the sudden death of her 7-week-old daughter, Angela and her unemployable, alcoholic husband, Malachy Sr. set sail from New York Harbor to Cork with their 4 children- Frank, Malachy Jr. and twins Eugene and Oliver- to return to the land which a mystified young Frank had only heard of as "where there was no work and people were dying of the starvation and the damp."©1999 by Paramount Pictures and Polygram

Books and Soundtrack

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Ebert UsaToday Mr Showbiz Herald Average
Points 62.5 87.5 59 75 71


71 - Worth Seeing

notworth.jpg (2646 bytes)

Rating System:

0 - 40 points

Not Worth Seeing
40 - 65 points  Go See At Matinee
65- 85 points Worth Seeing
85-100 points Definitely worth seeing. "A must see!"


Alan Parker


Frank McCourt,

Laura Jones




Robert Carlyle as Malachy McCourt
Shane Murray-Corcoran as Malachy Jr
Emily Watson as Angela


Running Time



Rated R for sexual content and some language


Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios




Official Site





 The People's Review of Angela's Ashes


score = None
As it is with all movies based on books the movie never comes close to protraying the feelings and emotions of the characters in the book.But you cannot complain if the film contained everything in the book it would be a very long film.My advice is read the book if you haven't already.

Erin G. 

score = 70 

 I read the book and couldn't put it down. I have been waiting for the movie for some time now. I liked the movie, but like they say...the book is always better. I think everyone did a good job at portraying the characters.


score = 70 
Kept pretty faithful to the book, but would be hard to follow for someone who hasn't read the book.  The real heartbreaking poverty that's described in the book is hard to portray on the screen.  A lot of the humor as well.  I'm still glad the movie was made.


Judith Evans Hanhisalo 
score = 100 
This is a movie about hope, love and, eventually, triumph. Beautifully acted, especially by Robert Carlyle.  Angela's Ashes is not flashy and has no explosions--just real people and real truth.


Wonderfully faithful to the book!!!  Episodic (as it had to be) and uniformly well-acted...I found it to be a beautiful rendering of an individual who coped (and succeeded) despite terrible odds!!! A "must see!!!"


Prof. Malcolm McGonigle 
score = None 
I would recommend that you pick up a history book and real a little about Ireland before you write your summary of this movie... Apart from your reference to a famine in 1935 in Ireland, your review is worthwile and informative. Yours, Prof. M. McGonigle


score = 90 
From a Torontonian Canadian to an American/Irishman, Thank you Mr. McCourt for allowing us into your life story.  Thoroughly enjoyable and inspiring.


Andy Woods 
score = 50 
This film was rich in texture but poorly put together as a garment. 
score = 90 
The movie was very emotional... My father says its his life story.. if it is .. i can understand why my father has always been so serious... its a movie filled with pain and poverty... it shows children living in a horrible situation.  I think this family can own the title of most dysfunctional. but with all this dysfunction.. Frank McCourt comes out as someone who fights back... He doesnt do what his father did.... He doesnt sit back and watch his life go by.. he lives it...  It's  a great story and a great movie... though very dark, depressing and full of Irish rain!!!!  I dont know how they didnt all die of pneumonia always in the damp...... Go see this movie and buy the book.. its a great read.. If you have irish in your family history.. it will hit a small part in your heart.


score = 80 
The film captures the heart of the book.  The gammut swings from the total devastation of the poor of Limerick, Ireland to the hilarity of the schooling back to the incredulous rearing of a family with no food, father or structure.


score = 100 

I am currently reading the book and  I am not yet finished, I cannot put it down.  it is leaving me with a strong appreciation for everything i own. I cannot wait to see the movie.  Excellent All around. Well written.


Tom Moran 
score = 40 
This movie was just awful! It contained none of the magic of the book, falling flat and uninspired at every juncture.  And failed to follow the book in all too many instances. For God's sake Malachy was Frankie's OLDER brother! The group masturbation scene was just too much to take.  In the book the matter was discussed in a more appropriate and normal context of a boy growing into post-puberty with the natural inclination to arouse himself. But four boys masturbating together against a stone wall while peering out at sheep in a pasture?  Close ups of their strained faces?  This was not in the book. Frankie took to the pasture for masturbation for the privacy it offered, not with friends for a borderline bestiality inspired circle-jerk. Where was the New York Italian family?  The sweet New York Jewish lady? The Protestant friend to whom Frankie would bring his lunch, and in his hunger one day ate it and blamed the loss on a marauding dog?  Where's the sweet girl from the hospital who died?  Where was the boy who ate his mustard laden sandwich in front of Frankie without ever offering a bite, and who later died? Where was the Protestant/Catholic issue?  The little Protestant girls so clean and well fed, skipping rope without a clue that they were doomed? What about the father's hatred of the British?  Where was the priceless scene at the train station, with the Irish men being given lunch money, only to spend it getting drunk prior to the train leaving.  And the boy's being paid to wheelbarrow the passed out drunken men back to the train? Why were Malachy, Sr. and Angela portrayed as such physically beautiful people? I imagine they bathed once a month or so, had poor skin due to malnourishment and cold, and had not a tooth in their heads. Where was the beautiful melody of the Irish accent?  Some characters even stopped speaking with Irish accents all together. Miss this movie if you can, and reread the book.


score = None 
Mc Court's writing was most able, and the movie could hardly follow. Author Mc Court could be blamed for copying -avoid the nasty P word, cause I'm unsure how to spell it.  If you are a fan of 'Ashes' get the short stories of Frank O'Connor and read FIRST CONFESSION.  You will see too much coincidence between both writings That's the source of the word "TIS".  Now we also can learn where McCourt had some sex included to please the publisher.  And, the peeking at the naked sister of a playmate... the playmate never had a sister, we now learn.  Finally what  mother would live in a urine soaked brothel with kids dieing about her, and later make noisy sex with her kids in the same room? Really, finally, McCourt condemns Catholicism every opportunity; if it was not for his church he'd now be taking his dirt nap.


Nikki Ruddy 
score = 90 
I thoroughly enjoyed Angela's Ashes.  It made me realize how lucky I am and how happy I am to live in a god, stable home.  The acting was great, especially the acting of Michael Legge.  A must see!


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