The People's Review of Battlefield Earth
Akwan Cheung
score = 80
I like the movie.
I do not understand why almost everyone in Hollywood and the viewers think
this film sucks.
This is an oldfashion sf movie, but with the specialeffect of the 21st
The story is of the classic movies, that everyone loves in those days, but
apparently not anymore.
What a bullshit.
This is a good sf movie plus one bonus:John Travolta
score = 80
I like Travolta. I liked the book Battlefield Earth. I like
sci-fi. I like a good storyline, regardless of whether or not there
may be a plothole here or there. Find me a movie without a plothole
and I'll eat my DVD copy of B.E. Yes, they could have fleshed out the
story more. The book goes a long way into explaining things, so if
you haven't read it, I suggest you give it a go. It goes nicely with
the movie, even though the movie didn't keep to the exact storyline of the
book, which I think would have been a better way to go, but regardless of
why he strayed from the exact storyline and brought in more integral
humans so early in the movie, it is still a decent sci-fi movie with good
special effects and the overall scope is very epic. It's unfortunate
that it was slammed so hard by reviewers, because it's likely we will
never see a movie based on the second half of the book, which is quite a
bit more entertaining than the events leading up to it.
score = 10
I'm usually pretty leniant wit sci-fi movies because they usually try to
accomplish too much. But this movie has nothing good about it. Iread the
book and i did not think that was bad at all. This movie is the first
movie i have ever walked out on before it was over. I don't see any
possibility that anyone could like it.
score = 40
comments = Alright, so the acting's not the greatest...But have adults
lost that much of their imaginations that all they can find are the bad
things about movies? I'm 15, but I still have at least that much of an
imagination...When was the last time you went to a movie and just so
that--in those meager two hours--you could set your imagination free?
Instead of being so concerned with an actors lines or even facial
expressions, why not just let the story let your mind actually think?
Movies are for the imagination, not for people to sit there like zombies
and critique performances. If you're going to see this film to make fun of
it, then don't.
score = 10
Without a shadow of a doubt, the worst movie I've ever seen. The
plot had holes the size of the O-Zone in it, the acting was absolutely
pathetic, and Travolta gave the worst performance I've ever seen him give.
The only reason I give it a "10" is because of the fifteen
minutes of sleep I got at the end.
score = None
This is certainly the most untentionally hilarious science fiction epic
ever made. It is so poorly written and directed, and acted, that it is a
parody of itself. Travolta's career has crashed on this one! And yet,
there is almost a cult buzz around the film, and many will buy the video
on the day of release just to feast again on the funniest, pathetic,
script to appear in years. My son tears tickets at the local cinema. I
asked him to bring home a "Battlefield Earth" poster for
"my" bedroom. For some strange unearthly reason, I think it may
be a collector's item in the future.
score = 80
I agree with Bill. Some people just don't get it. If they had
their way they would rip every movie apart as though they could have done
a better job. Right. So what if it wasn't like the book, no
movie is like the book b/c you can't fit the descriptions in the book into
physical reality sometimes. It's just not possible. Instead sit back and
enjoy the movie. I personally thought it was good. Some people
may think otherwise, and that's fine. All i'm saying is quit going
into the movies ready to pick them apart and you will be happy with the
way it turned out. Go in with an open mind.
score = 30
Ok, So the Movie wasn't the greatest. If you have read the book
you'll understand that this story is the greatest Sci-fi Story ever
created. No one could have possibly put this story into a movie
without it being something along the lines of Roots. But I still
have to give it something because I love the book so much.
score = 10
The 10 points go to Barry Pepper (Jonnie) for having to put up with such
an awful script. He is a great talent seen wasted in this film.
Travolta is surprisingly bad in a part that I thought he would relish.
The plot was seriously flawed, the script was terrible...need i go on?
score = 60
I agree with some of the people that said this is a bad movie and also
with some people that said its good. The movie was pretty cool but i think
its kind of stupid the way they make it look like Colorado is the only
place in the whole world. It kind of reminded me of ID4 with cave men. It
was stupid when the cave men were flying harrier jets but the action is
the only thing i liked. Forest Whitaker wasn't bad either but I liked
Ghost Dog better.
score = None
none is no misprint. "None" is the score this movie deserves.
The worst movie I have every seen...
score = None
I didn't think such a moronic movie, despite all the crap put out by
Hollywood on a regular basis, could make it out to the public. To actually
make it by the monumental egos, who have a vested interest in keeping at
least some semblence of their pride intact, this movie must have been
screened complete with morphine drip.
score = 50
Not bad as a SF "B" movie but not particularaly great. The
biggest problem is how the plot is accelerated, cutting action that If I
remember right, took almost a year down to 3 weeks. That and the humans in
the book didn't use kewl toys that had been miraculously preserved in
perfect working order after 1000 years. They used thier brains.
score = 70
If you are a fand of Mad Max, or Waterworld, you will like this movie, it
is not your normal sci-fi movie, onlt people who actually have brains will
understand this movie to the fullest, people like Mark here are the ones
that ruin good sci-fi movies for the rest of us
Marsha Mann
score = 80
very finely acted. I did not read the book but the movie was just what i
had hoped it would be...exciting!
Barry N Watson
score = 90
I loved the movie and have seen it several times already. All my friend
who have seen it loved it too - not because it was a pretty movie, or a
romantic movie - but because it sent the message that there is always hope
and that no matter how bad things are, if one is determined then one, (yes
it only takes one), can defeate the worst oppression imaginable. It's an
intense, dark, gripping movie where mankind claws for survival and finally
comes out from under of the darkness of oppression and into the light of
freedom. I liked that message and all my friends did too.
Ken Kieswetter
score = 90
Great movie only wish would be that it was closer to book .None of the
critics seen the movie all they have done is go back in history and copied
the critics of Scientogy
score = None
The only positive comment I could make about this horrible film is that
the pain created by the overly loud sound of the ship engines occasionally
took my mind off of the pitiful excuse for a movie. The acting was
horrible, the plot gaps immense and the plot twists so transparent I fail
to see how it slipped through quality control.
score = 10
The worst movie I have ever seen. I gave it a 10 only because it's
fun to see John Travolta looking so funky.
score = None
This movie was just horrible.Ive have seen plenty of bad movies but this
movie must have been written by retarded Monkeys hyped up on crack.I could
never recommend this movie.It is was poorly made and brought to the public
by the phylosphy of we got Travolta who needs fancy acting and good old
plot and character substence.All in all the only people who would like
this film is scientology members and young children.I would rather have my
teeth ripped out one by one then ever see thi movie.I think Hollywood
should reinburse all the discruntled viewers who marched out of this movie
having lost 1hr 37minutes of their life.
Mary O'Brien
score = None
Taking the characters separately they were fantastic. Taking the message
separately it was scary but true. Comparing it to the book I say
"what happened?" Is it possible that the clear and vivid
descriptions in the book were replaced by "all that black" as a
comment on how "black" it would all become if a race such as the
PSYCHLOS ever took over a planet like earth? Did the director want
to "give you the feeling of what it would be like to have no
freedom?" Well, he did it!! I can't give it a score--as
to each his own love.
Ruthann Pharris
score = 90
I enjoyed it because it was a god way to relax from a stressful day. The
only thing that bothered the critics was the fact that Travolta was not
hiding the fact he was into scientology. True, there were some leaps but
dosen't every movie do that at one point or another. Did the critis want
the people to expect a movie like Mission Impossible 2? A movie that is
just action combined with a little bit of sex. People are getting on
Travolta's case but look at Tom Hanks. He has starred in some movies were
the principles of scientology drip form one scene to another. Yet, he is
the people's "pretty boy" . Wake up people! I do not know about
other people's review's about Battlefield Earth but i think the movie
score = 80
I liked it , it was entertaining, but not great. i have not stopped
thinking about it, so it does leave an impression. i did not read
the book, but will now that i have seen the movie, as it was obvious that
a lot of detail was left out. it kind of reminded me of planet of the apes
meets the time machine.