“Welcome to Sommerton!” exclaims Ray Owens at just the right moment in the heat of battle as once again Arnold Schwarzenegger is on the big screen in a big way. I wonder if the movie makers who decided to put Arnold in front of a camera for the first time had any inkling of how big he was going to be, how much of an influence he has been on modern mainstream cinema, and how much of a movie icon he is. Well, he’s not done yet. I for one have no problem with that because the man can still entertain and be involved in a good action flick . . . case in point, this particular film. I admit I grew up watching Arnold’s movies and enjoyed just about every one, and even I had my doubts about him coming back to the big screen. You know, the whole “he’s too old” and “he’s not as menacing and intimidating as he used to be” bit, but hey, older guys can still make good movies. Look at Sean Connery, Liam Neeson, and George Clooney for instance. They’ve made some pretty good action movies in their more advanced years. (Yeah, I threw in George to see if you were paying attention). So having said that, this was better than I thought it would be. It is somewhat a cookie cutter type action flick but there are cookies with bad ingredients and there are those with good ingredients. This one has good ingredients. It is fast paced and non-stop with awesome cars, great gun play, and a good amount of comic relief. It’s plain ol’ fun . . . bloody fun. READ FULL THE LAST STAND REVIEW >>
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