NEW YEAR’S EVE Movie Clips
To celebrate the release of NEW YEAR’S EVE on Blu-ray and DVD May 1, 2012 here are a few film clips. Enjoy! OWN DVD OWN BLU-RAY
To celebrate the release of NEW YEAR’S EVE on Blu-ray and DVD May 1, 2012 here are a few film clips. Enjoy! OWN DVD OWN BLU-RAY
Warner Bros Home Entertainmnet to release of NEW YEAR’S EVE on DVD and Blu-ray May 1, 2012. The film was directed by Garry Marshall starring Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Jon Bon Jovi, Abigail Breslin, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, Robert De Niro, Josh Duhamel, Zac Efron, Hector Elizondo, Katherine Heigl, Ashton Kutcher, Seth Meyers, Lea Michele, Sarah… Read More »
CONTAGION In theaters and IMAX on September 9 [flashvideo filename=” ” /] Director: Steven Soderbergh Cast: Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Bryan Cranston, Jennifer Ehle, Sanaa Lathan “Contagion” follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic grows, the worldwide… Read More »
Here is the teaser trailer from Warner Bros anticipated film “New Year’s Eve”. The romantic/comedy is directed by Garry Marshall, starring Robert De Niro, Ashton Kutcher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank, Lea Michele, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vergara, Jessica Biel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Katherine Heigl, Zac Efron, Sienna Miller, Josh Duhamel, Ice Cube, Jon Bon Jovi, Seth… Read More »