Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo

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Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo: Friday December 3, 1999

It's about Deuce, a fish tank cleaner guy, who house sits for a high class male gigolo when he's out of town. When the business phone rings, Deuce answers it by mistake. So he starts going out on the guy's gigolo calls. Until the gigolo comes back home to find out. -- © 1999 Touchstone Pictures

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Ebert UsaToday Mrshowbiz Herald Average
Points 37.5 37.5 49 25 37.25

37.25 - Not Worth Seeing


Rating System:

0 - 40 points

Not Worth Seeing
40 - 65 points  Go See At Matinee
65- 85 points Worth Seeing
85-100 points Definitely worth seeing. "A must see!"


Mike Mitchell


Harris Golberg
Rob Schneider




Rob Schneider as Deuce
Oded Fehe as Allen Covert
Amy Poehler as Allison

Running Time

1hr 30min




Buena Vista Pictures




Official Site


Soundtrack from 



 The People's Review of Deuce Bigalow

score = 100
I think that the show was worth one's money to watch it was very funny and i guess that the reviewers stated at the score did not watch or understand the show, thus giving such a score

score = 100 
I disagree wiht the score.  "Deuce Bigalow Male Gigolo" was one of the best comedies I have seen in a long time.  It kept my attention and I laughed so hard it made my sides hurt.  When I left the theater I was in tears...

score = 80 
this move was really funny. i may be biased because i am a rob schneider fan, but this move was excellent.  I laughed almost for the duration of the entire thing

score = 70 
I thought this movie was very good.  it is worth seeing and i think it should hav e a hire rating.  i thought it was gonna be a lot of sex and stuffd but it turned otu to be a lot better than i expected.  i wish i could gice a 75 but i cant, so i give it a 70.

score = 40 
Funnier than I thought it would be.  I laughed a few times, pretty hard once or twice.  Not worth full price, though.

score = 80 
To be fair, this movie is not going to be winning any awards.  It is however going to be added to the laserdisk collection in my home.  Sure it's low brow humor, but with the string of poor movies that have come out in the past few months it was a refreshing change.  I havn't spent this much time laughing in a theater in a long time.

score = 80 
This movie rocked, i loved it!!!  I agree with Jim.  It was hilarious, i lauged so hard during the move.  I think the critics gave it such a bad score.  Its definately worth seeing.  Once it comes out, its mine!!

score = 80 
I have to admit, I didn't want to go and see the movie in the first place, my friends had to pay for me to see it.  Five minutes into the movie, I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt.  I have since went to see it 3 times.  I thought it was a great movie!!!

score = 100 
I give it 100 out of 100. I gave that result because it was really funny, unlike other slapstick comedies. I guess this movie is for the younger generation. It made my day! Me and my friends couldn't stop lauging!!

score = 80 
i thought that it was a really good movie, it was funny and i enjoyed it heaps and i can't wait to see it again!

score = 70 
Hi, I saw this film while visiting the States recently, I live in New Zealand. I thought it was halarious, but hardly anyone else in the theatre was laughing!! I guess we have different senses of humour in our respective countries.


Edward Kok 
score = 60 
It's damn hiralous though the plot is not very good. Good for a laugh but not to be remembered


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