Two and a Half Men
Season Four
Emmy-winning Season Four of TV?s #1 comedy starts with a
shock (Alan?s getting divorced...again) and ends with a rock
(the diamond Evelyn?s new boyfriend wants to put on her
third finger, left hand). In between, Charlie Harper?s hip
Malibu beach pad is the place for laughs, gorgeous girls,
single parenthood, celebrity neighbors, family and more
laughs. Charlie (Charlie Sheen) has a close encounter with
his long- deceased dad. Alan (Jon Cryer), after a few resume
embellishments, tries online dating. Jake (Angus T. Jones)
swaps his Harry Potter posters for the joys of hottie wall
art. Join the fun. Share the good life with everyone?s
favorite men, men, men, men, manly men, men men.
think it was possible, but the comedy has gotten even
raunchier in the 4th season, and the subject matter is very
mature. That being said, after you make sure the kids are in
bed or out of ear shot, get ready for some of the most
funny, laugh out loud comedy you’ve seen in a long time.
This show does everything other sitcoms are to scared to do
and talks about subjects that are usually a censor boards
nightmare, but somehow they get away with it, and you’ll be
glad they did, because these are some of the best jokes,
one-liners and comebacks that I have heard in a long time.
This series takes comedy to a whole new level, and it’s very
refreshing to see how real they allow the show to be, and
Season 4 has just raised the bar even higher for comedy,
because now instead of a child, they have a teenager to work
with, with all the hilarious awkwardness, nastiness and
vulgarity a teenage male brings with him, but just under the
line where it would be offensive. It’s just all in good fun
and if you don’t take it too seriously, you’ll find you
can’t help but laugh, in spite of yourself.
In this 4th season of the show, Jake is one year older and
the comedy has grown with it’s character. He now is a lot
wiser about the goings on with both Charlie and his dad,
usually when it relates to sex, but he’s still as dumb as a
tack when it comes to school, or just about anything else.
Alan is now divorced, again, and dealing with all his
insecurities of failing at a second marriage, so he’s now is
even more neurotic, and wound up tighter than ever. Charlie,
after having “dodged the bullet” with Mia, has become more
degenerate, alcoholic ,promiscuous, and out of control than
ever, both with the pain of losing the woman he loved and
with his anger at Alan for returning to mooch off him again,
after being the reason that he did not marry that woman. Of
course their mother Evelyn is up to her usual antics and
surgeries, Berta’s dry quick wit is as hilarious as ever,
and Rose, the funny stalker, who, personally, is one of my
favorite characters, does move away this season, much to my
disappointment. Of course, though, it’s the women that go
through the revolving door that is these 2 men’s lives that
bring the most humor, and this season has plenty of real
funny ones for both Alan and Charlie. The dynamic is now
even funnier, and the more painful the subjects that these
two and a half men deal with, the funnier the spins that are
given to them , turning some otherwise heartbreaking
situations into comedic genius.
Review By Helen
Anamorphic Widescreen
Digital 5.1 Surround - English Portugues
Subtitles - English, Spanish,
French, Thai, Korean, Portuguese and Chinese
Two Men Talking About Two And A Half
Men : The show’s creators, Chuck Lorre and Lee
Aronsohn discuss season four, and discuss the natural
progression of show, and it’s characters, throughout it’s
first 3 seasons, especially the series’ youngest character’s
growth on the show in the past years and how this growth
affects the show’s content and comedy.
Gag Real : Bloopers and outtakes from the forth
season of Two and a Half Men
Commentary on Two Episodes by
Creators Chuck Lorre and Lee Aronsohn and Cast Members
Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, and Angus T. Jones
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