Gladiator Peoples
score = 90
Muy buena película. Rescata valores olvidados con argumentos clásicos en
estos films. Muy buen papel de R. Crowe. Totalmente recomendable en estos
tiempos de malas películas.
Sebastian H
score = 90
The only reason I gave a 90 is because I don't like how the movie ended.
Otherwise, this is an excellent movie; it's one of the greatest film I
have ever seen! For those people who critize about the accuracy of it's
historical background should just stay home and watch documentaries and
should not watch any movie.
Simon W
score = 100
It is an insult to see this fantastic blast score less than 70. The
special effects, the emotions, the acting all make this great film worthy
of being a classic.
score = 100
I was so happy to come on to this site and see so many scores of
100--hoping I wasn't the ONLY person almost obsessed with such an awesome
movie. Russell Crowe rocks! ...never thought I'd be attracted to a guy 20
years older than me. I could talk for days about this movie. I
only wish it didn't have to take over all my thoughts for a whole week
score = 90
I watched this film in a small cinema in Germany. Had I watched it in a
small cinema in the UK I would probably have formed a different opinion as
this cinema sold beer and British cinamas don't. What a stroke of genius
beer and films, you say....but wait, I score the film as a ninety because
it was truly outstanding and I can only repeat what everyone else has
raved about it, however I missed the plot a bit as I kept having to leave
to go to drain the main vein. This said, I didn't miss any of the battles
as I only got up to go when that annoying bird was talking. Wicked film,
can't wait for the DVD release...hopefully I'll have a DVD player by then.
score = 100
Gladiator is one of the best damn movies I've ever seen. If you liked
Braveheart you gotta see this one!! Unbelievable special effects, the
fight scenes were spectacular. This is a movie the whole family will
enjoy. Highly recommended. Score: 100.
score = 90
This movie was truly breathtaking! I have to say it was one of the
best movies I have had the pleasure of watching, and Russell Crowe was
well cast. It was a spectacle, and a true epic of its time. Ridley Scott,
has probably created his best work here, out of some impressive previous
movies, but Gladiator is a true masterpiece. Out of the sea of over hyped,
badly scripted, so called blockbusters, a movie of great triumph and power
from the heart comes to the screen at last!! It is the first great
movie of the 21st century, and may it continue. I salute you Ridley!!
On a more somber note, I feel that the performance of Oliver Reed, was one
of his best, as he righly agreed in an interview only a week before he
tragically died. What a way to go Oliver!
score = 20
This movie is not as good as many people say. Mabey the battle-scenes are
pretty good, but the rest ist really boring. A slave fights his way to the
top and finally meets commodus in the arena. Arghhhhh. Especially the end
made me puke "Reviewer was reveling too many
details" . absolutely uncool. And then as if this wasn´t "Reviewer
was reveling too many details" . Go home ridley...
score = 100
The best movie ever made. I really enjoyed it. The recreation of ancient
rome is excellent. The battles left me without speech.
score = 100
What can i say? ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! Russell Crowe is just
superb as Maximus, and has fabulous screen presence - not to mention
the fact that he is completely sexy. Joaquin Phoenix is excellently
cast as Commedus and it was great to see Richard Harris as Caeser - who is
always brilliant. You MUST go and see this film TODAY!
score = 90 Hello from the Netherlands. I saw the movie in Holland. I first
thought the movie was the same as braveheart. But the big fight in the
beginning was short, but very spectacular. The special effects were
amazing. Only Juba spoke English, but all the other people from Afrika,
spoke another language?????
Gary K
score = 90
Can't say enough about this movie! Russell Crowe has amazing screen
presence and can play any role brought his way. The action and
storyline are amazingly done, with great supporting characters along the
way. Joaquin Phoenix is awesome as the desperate emperor, and
the re creation of Rome is an amazing site.
score = 100
A week after I have seen Gladiator and I still get the shivers thinking
about it. I've read over the reviews and my opinion about many of
the criticisms are this. 1) ACcuracy: I agree, it isn't accurate. However,
as a lover of roman history myself, I was still delighted to see Rome on
the big screen. Rome itself was a bit too squeaky clean, but that battle
sure wasn't, nor was Russel Crowe! 2) Someone said that Russell
Crowe didn't display much rage and anger like they thought he should. This
ommission of rage and anger is exactly what caught my attention. This was
not a foot-soldier to go chest-beating and stomping around. This was a
_general_ who has learned to control his rage and his facial expressions.
His pain was, for the most part, understated, and for that reason, it had
a great impact on me. I'll definitely see this one again and again and
again. And I deeply hope that this is the beginning of the return of the
Roman epic to Hollywood, because I would _love_ to see more!
score = 100
Absolutely Breathtaking! Brilliant Cinematography, Excellent Acting
from entire cast. I was so moved, actually i have not been so moved
by a film since TITANIC. I hope to see many Oscar & Golden Globe
Nominations garnered for this film. This film is indeed a
masterpiece, I used to go see these kind of films when i was a kid, wow
what a film. Ridley Scott has outdone hiself on this one, what a
magnificent film, i suggest anyone to go and see this film.
Rennie King
score = 90
Gladiator represents a return to a all but forgotten genre - the Roman
epic. Unlike many such movies from the past Gladiator does not rely
too heavily on action, although it is still a vital component.
Character development is good, although the past between Maximus and
Lucilla is vague.
score = 100
I loved this movie.The history was off,but it was a good made-up
history.I'm not sure the story of"a genrle who became a salve who
became a GlADIATOR could ever happen,but it made a good story!!!
score = 80
IMHO, this is a good film. Russel Crowe skillfully depicts a human being
whose humility, dignity, purpose and commitment seem to flow directly from
unassailable honesty and passion for being exactly what he is. Maximus is
a simple (but not simplistic) man, an intelligent soldier and a master of
himself, and hence able to lend dignity to men sentenced to death in the
bloody circus of the Colleseum. Maximus seems to take no pleasure in
killing his gladiator opponents; it is simply what must be done under the
circumstances to fulfill his commitment to his old Ceasar, to survive, and
to release Rome from the grip of a powermad psychopath (oh, and to restore
the illusion of democracy of course, so there's something for the American
dreamers too:). There are a couple of glitches but nothing to worry about.
The gore is barely evident on the screen (but your imagination might lead
you to believe otherwise). The sets and effects are state-of-the-art and
the acting is good. It's worth a few dollars to see on a big screen. You
people who are worried about accuracy need to wake up and stopping taking
yourself so seriously. You are missing the best part of your life right
here, right now. Your 'actuality' is no more accurate than this film's or
anyone else's, even if you don't realise it.
score = 90
The movie may have been inaccurate in the history and I could only speak
for my self, But it took me back in time like no other history book. It
made me appreciate the beauty of roman architect,the brutality and mind
set of the times,unfortunetly.I think it's a realy well done epic long
overdue. It had a good story line,Good cinematography, well casted, and
most importantly, good directing.
score = 100
1 word. Whoa. The movie rocked beyond all expectation. Russel Crowe was
absolutley perfect for the role as Maximus. If I continued on about its
greatness it would take me all day. As to all of you "wildly
inacurate" people who are to arrogant to review the movie on how it
is. Dont bother writing the review. Someone down the list stated that it
tried to be Braveheart. Well, it beat braveheart by a mile. The acting and
the story were 10 times better. I think the person who wrote that review
had been sniffing a bit too much glue. I just read it again because I
could not believe the things he said. "Russel Crowe was terribly mis
cast for this role" Im speechless. I suppose people have a right to
their own opinion but... AHHHH!!!
Deion Luton
score = 100
Russell Crowe is God himself. Or something like that. Either way, the
movie is excellent beyond all expectations. I mean, he kills like 60 guys
by himself. It has to be good. The ending even made me cry, which is also
impressive. It's like a date movie with fight scenes for the guys. Let's
just say that I'll be going back to see it again.
John Myers
score = 50
The movie was wildly inaccurate--the writers should be forced to fight in
the amphitheater as their punishment for failing to consult Gibbon or any
other history of Rome before spawning this abortion. Derek Jacobi, who was
the Claudius in "I, Claudius"--which was historically accurate
with a vengeance--should be ashamed of himself for being involved in this
travesty. However, if you look at this movie as something that happenned a
long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, then the movie is passible
pablum for the American masses--the intellectual descendants of the
lowlifes who attended "games" at Rome 2,000 years ago. "Spartacus"
blows this turkey completely away.
score = 30
Not only is this movie remarkable for its brutality, it is suffering from
total amnesia: 1. A Roman general turned slave, turned gladiator??? Only
hard-core criminals were used in the arenas as gladiators. 2. Proximo as
gladiatorial entrepreneur and trader, in robe and turban, a Bedouin who
sepaks Arabic??? Arabs did not reach that region until 7th century AD.
Indigenous people of North Africa were the Berbers, and mode of dress and
headdress unknown to them in 180 AD. 3.JUBA, A Numidian gladiator???? More
like a Nubian, by the color of his skin. The Numidians were fair-skinned.
The Nubians were unknown in that part of the world. Wrong place wrong
time, wrong character.
score = 100
Breathtaking! A true epic, but unfortunately the title Gladitor is
something of a misnomer. This film has a powerful and much more
interesting storyline extrinsic to the arena. This is a must see for any
Braveheart fan, and for those who wish to be dazzaled by a superb and
immensily entertaining film. Russell Crowe is tremendous in his role as
Maximus, and his subtle, under-acted strength is pure genius. Mr. Crowe,
we will see you, and Gladiator at the Oscars!
score = 100
This movie was amazing, amazing acting, amazing script, amazing set
design. Everything was amazing. Taking parts of history and
changing them and molding them into something like this is an amazing feat
on its own. Anyone who says this movie is inacurate has no imagination or
spends too much time with their nose in the history books.
score = 70
Valerie Brown
score = None
One critic said it best. A Hero will rise and his name is Russell Crowe.
Crowe has been great since Virtuosity and now with The Insider, LA
Confidential and now the Gladiator, the entire world will know it. The
film is breathtaking. The characters become a part of you. Joaquin Phoenix
is brilliant. You must see this film!
score = 100
The movie was great!! Yeah, the movie might be inaccurate but it's
just a movie. It didn't say it's "based on a true story".
I loved it when the camera scanned over Rome, it was so pretty. I
will probably watch this again. =)
score = 90
Russel Crowe or Rusty as us fellow Aussies refer to him as absolutely
kicks in this film. Fair dinkum he was sensational and the film is
definately a must see. In my book Gladiator is beaten only by a short half
head in racing parlance by Braveheart which won an Academy award for best
film and best actor, by another Aussie Mel Gibson. I'm going to see
Gladiator again I liked it that much.
score = None
The rating is too low. Great piece of adventure!!! It will take you
away, as only good film can !!! Read multiple history books if you
want pure and correct facts
Paul Turner
score = None
Great battle scene in the beginning and several, exciting gladiator
spectacles. Crowe is convincing; the rest of the actors not. In between
fight scenes, the movie is a total bore (dull color, cheesy graphics
and dumb dialogue). The real Emperor Commodus was a complete degenerate -
so why no palace orgies to complement the arena violence? The film score
is an overly electronic rip-off of Holst and Wagner. Stick with orchestral
soundtracks from "Ben Hur," "Conan" and "Spartacus"
if you want good gladiator music for exercise workouts.
score = 90
Crowe is magnificent. The best film of this genre since el Cid.
Something for everyone. Wonderfully acted and directed. The
action and special effects are awesome but do not intrude on the story.
I was afraid that the violence would be of the "Platoon"
disgusting type. No, it's like "Private Ryan."
score = 80
Critic’s Corner: Gladiator is another one of the films I must say is
excellent. If you are like me, and know a lot about ancient Rome and
Legions, and you like military action, this movie is really nice. The
opening scene of war is heart-pounding. The movie is a drama,
protagonist/antagonist movie, which has its sad scenes as well. Gladiator
has a few references to historical aspects of the era. (Ex. – The
Praetorian Guard, the Coliseum). The rendition of Rome in special effects
was excellent, mirroring movies like the Mummy and Star Wars I. Gladiator
is a movie that will put you on the edge of your seat, crying. The movie
shows very violent portrayals of gladiators and killing, namely because
that was what was happening back then. Although some of the historical
aspects are wrong, you wont catch them unless you dwell on them too much.
There are excellent renditions of Roman architecture, design, and
fighting. (Especially the “tortoise” technique used by the Legions).
Best part of the movie – When Maximus reveals that he is the Gladiator
in the coliseum. This movie had everything except T&A. Good flick.
score = 100
This movie is amazing.There isn't a better word for it.It has impressive
and spectacular action scenes and a lot of brutal violence.The fightscenes
in the arena are unbelieveble great.The acting and the directing are just
brilliant.In some parts the historical truth is a little bit changed in
gladiator but this a instant classic
score = 90
Realy liked this. Sure its not historicaly accurate, but the feel
was great. A wide screen spectical with Legions and Gladiators just
don't turn up often enougth to be picky about details. The battle in the
begining was great and the personal combat at the end was better.
I loved the tigars comeing out of the ground.
score = 40
This movie wanted to be "BRAVEHEART," but, unfortunately, it
didn't succeed. It was boring from the get go, and the final scene
was almost anti-climatic. The writer of this movie stole many plot
lines from BRAVEHEART - 1. He wants revenge for the murder of his wife and
son. 2. He is being stalked by a cruel tyrant that wants him dead.
3. He gave a speech to his army before going into battle (but it was not
very inspirational like Mel Gibson's was), 4. His own countrymen turn
against him, etc., etc. Russell Crowe was terribly miscast in this role.
He was unable to summon the passion and the rage needed to become the
character Maximus. The plot line was not interesting and the movie lagged
a LOT! Also, the characters were not as fleshed out as they should have
been at the beginning of the film. You know very little about the
individual character's personality and because of that, it is hard to get
the motivation as to why they do the things they do. Russell Crowe
is a wonderful actor, but he seems to be much better playing characters
that are dark, brooding, and on the edge. He was in his element in
"L.A. Confidential." As I was sitting in this movie
(praying for it to end), I got the feeling that Roger Ebert was probably
going to give it the thumbs-down, and boy was I RIGHT! I agree with
his review on this movie. Don't see it, but, if you must, don't pay $7 or
$8. Wait until it goes to the cheap theaters or rent it on video.
score = 30
What a waste of time and money!! The script had no emotional
integrity, and the actor's (and the audience) have to suffer through the
terrible dialogue. Russell Crowe tries, but cannot bring himself to
display the rage and anger that this character should display.
Joaquin Phoenix, while being properly arrogant and dysfunctional, does
nothing but frown and squench his eyes when he's playing a scene with
Crowe. Their was one good fight scene in which Crowe's character (MAXIMUS)
has to defend himself in the arena against the "undefeated and most
courageous" gladiator in Rome. It was tense and did break the
monotony of this "WANNA BE" epic, but after this fight, the
movie goes back to it's original horrid plot-line. The last scene of
the movie is totally unsatisfying and only confirms the fact that this
movie is a DUD! If you want to see a true epic, steer clear of this movie.
Oscar recipients). It's cheaper and you get a whole lot more satisfaction.
The movie was a BIG disappointment for me, as I have enjoyed Crowe's other
performances, and Director Ridley Scott's other films. This movie
was straining to be the next BRAVEHEART. Well, it succeeded with the
"BRAVE," but it didn't capture the "HEART"!
score = 100
One of the best movies of the summer. It has it all: Special effects,
Suspence, Love Story, Action, you name it it has it!! The ending got me by
surprice and for those of you who gave low scores to this film because its
not accurate with HISTORY.......IT'S A MOVIE. All the actors were great.
Specialy Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix.
score = 90
When this page loaded and I saw the 68% average I was just FLOORED... the
so called "critics" often give 100's to the most idiotic
choices, and therefore I can't understand how this totally entertaining
movie could do so low in their eyes. Believe me, I am a TOUGH critic of
movies, especially with the schlock we've had shovelled down our throats
this year. There is nothing to not like about Gladiator. If the summer
movies are all this good, we're in for the best year ever.
Pat Barry
score = 90
My husband and I are in our mid-40's and go to the movies a lot. We had
our reservations about Russell Crowe. But, this just goes to show
you.........he did an excellent job. As well as the entire cast. The
Barrys' Mobile, Alabama
score = 90
I tought this movie was really good and it makes you long to be there at
that time, you want to stand in the arena and you almost do, you can sense
the swett of tosends of pople standing in the arena shouting. BAJS, BAJS,
BAJS... and that what makes this movie so good.
score = 90
Wow!! This one made want to go out and buy armor. Great action and good
swordplay. Russell Crowe was stupendous. The cinematography during the
battle scenes at the beginning were a little weird. I would have liked to
have been able to actually take in what was going on rather than having
everything swirl around.
score = 70
Not knowing any Roman history, it would have been interesting to know my
history and see how the film related 2 historical persons to fictional
theories. I waited and waited, and waited for something big to happen. But
it didn't. All actors played their parts well, especially Russel Crowe.
But I think the director missed his chance. Poor directing. Good musical
introduction. Good special effects. So-so story line. Could have been more
powerful. Interesting now how I like to get info on the Roman Empire. Very
good tool to introduce Roman history to educational institutions. Overall,
worthwhile seeing but read up on Emperors Commodus and Marcus Aurelius
before going.
score = 100
The movie was really good, it has been a while since I have seen such a
great movie. I think that Russell Crowe could not have done a better
job. I will a sure you that the movie is not a disappointment, if
you have not already seen it.
RCrowe Fan
score = 80
Very entertaining, and loved watching Russell Crowe. But still not his
best work. He was utterly convincing as a Neo-Nazi in "Romper
Stomper", but not quite as a gladiator. Something was missing.
His rage, hatred perhaps? And it didn't surpass "Ben Hur"
either. Nevertheless, 2-1/2 hours went by quickly.
score = 80
Though most of it was complete fantasy not worthy of even being considered
any sort of historical account it was good fun. Sensitive it is not,
though the message it contains is a mixture of modern anti-war/violence
(the portrayl of the violent scenes is quite graphic) and more traditional
Heroism (right back to Homer). Anyway it is worth seeing just for the
shear technical achievements, you may wonder how General Maximus got from
Spain to North Africa without knowing it, but you must have a
"Willing Suspension of Disbelief". Thank you
Ramon Noches
score = 100
One of the best directed and orchestrated movies I have seen in years. It
is a magnificient portrayal of Rome as it may have been. As entertaining
as "Titantic" and as frightening as "Jaws". Clearly it
will rise to must see level. Just as "Its A Wonderful Life" went
from three to four stars I expect this movie to eventually become a
classic. It has been years since I saw an audience give a standing ovation
at the end of a movie -- I saw that happen today, and well deserved. You
can take my rating to the bank. Mark my word.
score = 100
I was astonished and amazed when I saw this movie. I expected a
typical guy movie with a lot of blood and guts. What I got was one
of the greatest masterpieces ever made. Russel Crowe is magnificant,
as is the directing, story, and every other element of this movie.
Those who rate this movie low because of its historical inaccuracy need to
get a life outside of the history books and realize that it is just a
movie. "Gladiator" is Braveheart meets Saving Private
Ryan. An instant classic.
score = 100
This is the best film ever. Good actors, good story, perfect effects, nice
music. How can you every say it has no EMOTIONS and no HEART? And the
special effects are great! Greetings, Quest
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