MOVIE REVIEW: Hellboy 2: The Golden Army


Based on the popular comic book by Dark
Horse Comics and making his second appearance in the big
screen Hellboy II The Golden Army proves that action and
entertaining wise the ugly reddish devil like creature can
play with the big boys such as Spiderman, Hulk, and Batman,
in bringing an exciting and exhilarating sequel that would
hypnotize the viewers from the first moment it begins. The
movie combines a magical and creative world in realistic
environment, well used of comical remarks, and emotional
situations that makes it just fun to watch. Guillermo del
Toro proves once again why he has become one of the most
acclaimed director of this times by delivering us what I
consider an old and play out story in a highly entertaining
appealing superhero movie.
Long ago there was and Elf King named Balor who's army
fought against humankind, for humankind was greedy and
hollow in the inside. The humans grew stronger and almost
put an end to all the other invisible creatures from the
magical realm, the king grew sad for all the destruction,
and since everything he had done to prevent war failed King
Balor had not other choice than becoming weary of the war.
Some of his minions decided to build an unstoppable army
that would destroy humankind and bring victory, but when the
King saw the Golden Army, and the path of destruction it had
created, he grew sadder. So much blood was scatter in the
land, the King decided to make a truce with humankind to
declare peace and put a stop to their battle. King Balor
proposed a Truce with the humans and he divided the Golden
crown, which controls the army, into three pieces and gave
one to the humans as a sign of honor and friendship. The
king’s son, prince Nuada, did not agreed with this decision
arguing that humans were not to be trusted, for that he
decided to go in exile. Now in this age and times Prince
Nuada has decided to return and claimed what is rightfully
his, the third piece of the golden crown. The truce between
humans and creatures have been broken. The world will go up
in flames and the Golden Army will once again awaken. Now
humanity’s faith rest in a group of elite government agents
from the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (BPRD) a
Human torch like woman, a fish man, and a huge red devil
like creature, Hellboy to stop Prince Nuada for waking the
As I watched the movie’s different trailers my expectations
grew bigger and bigger, and I do not considered myself
disappointed after watching the movie. It satisfy me enough,
and I dare to say that it is one of the best sequel movies I
have ever seen. It is right there in the top with
Terminator2 and Spiderman 2, however, I could not managed to
compare this movie’s elements with some other great
blockbuster movies, to me, Hellboy II was a combination of:
the special effects of Lord of the Rings, plus the storyline
of Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark, plus the
comedy of Men in Black, plus the magic of Pan’s Labyrinth,
and plus the hero’s dilemma of the X-Men and/or Spiderman.
Visually is phenomenal, there is nothing wrong with the
movie, if for some reason the audio were to fail the
audience would be pleased just by looking at it, the amazing
and breathtaking settings, the original and imaginative
characters, the can not stop watching action sequences
everything looks fantastic, the only disappointment visually
for the movie is when Liz Sherman uses her powers do not
seem as impressive as the fantastic 4‘s human torch. The
acting is also a high point in this movie, everybody did and
outstanding job performing their character, specially Ron
Perlman. He owns that character. He is Hellboy as Harrison
Ford is Indiana Jones or Arnold is the Terminator. However
the story and ending although masterfully told and
entertaining, I found it highly predictable.
Another aspect that I like about the movie is the side
stories. In the chase for the Golden Army the audience get
to know more about this superhero’s persona. Hellboy
although huge, strong, powerful, and different looking, is
affected by feelings that define the human condition. He
wants to belong, to be loved, to be acknowledge, to have
fun, and to protect his love ones. The director shows this
and also makes a critique of how we, humans judge thing for
what they look like and not for what they are. The story
between Princess Nuala and Abe Sapien, and the link of
Prince Nuada and Princess Nuala although easily predictable
is also a great addition to the main plot.
Guillermo del Toro and his cast did once again a great job
bringing this character to live. He is appealing charismatic
and lots of fun. I hope that in case of a third part,
writers, director, and crew come along just like they did
for this one, although more originality on the scrip should
be needed. For superhero movie fans, watch it you will not
be let down, and although it might seem as it recycles
elements from previous movies, Fortunately, for the audience
these elements are ingeniously well mixed with exacted
precision by the director and actors making Hellboy II a
great an interesting Summer movie that is more than the sum
of its parts.
By Milo
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