

SYPNOSIS: Agent 47 (Olyphant) has been educated to become a professional assassin for hire. His most powerful weapons are his nerve and a resolute pride in his work. 47 is both the last two digits of the barcode tattooed on the nape of his neck, and his only name. The hunter becomes the hunted when 47 gets caught up in a political takeover. Both Interpol and the Russian military chase the HITMAN across Eastern Europe as he tries to find out who set him up and why they’re trying to take him out of the game. But the greatest threat to 47’s survival may be the stirrings of his conscience and the unfamiliar emotions aroused in him by a beautiful, damaged girl.
REVIEW: The best and
most concise way to describe this movie is eye candy. I was
anxiously anticipating this movie and after finally seeing
it, it fell slightly short of what I was hoping for. I
personally don’t mind eye candy cause, again, one of the
main reasons to see a movie is to be entertained and eye
candy can be entertaining so long as something in it has
some substance. The substance in this case comes in the form
of decent action, a not-so-bad storyline, and seeing Timothy
Olyphant (Agent 47) in a role unlike any other I have ever
seen him do. I had my doubts on the decision to cast him in
the lead for this film, but he was sharp and pulled it off
nicely. Granted, not nearly as good as when I had doubts
about Christian Bale as Batman, or Daniel Craig as 007. We
all know how that turned out. At certain moments he looked,
acted, spoke, and even moved like a video game character.
Not sure if that is good or bad, I guess it depends on if
you’re familiar with and/or a fan of the game. This is not
his best performance in a film, but it did broaden his
Dougray Scott (Mike
Whittier) delivers the only other performance worth
mentioning. He plays an Interpol agent that has been trying
to track down these mysterious hitmen for years,
specifically 47. One of the pieces of eye candy, or least
for me (sorry, I am a guy), comes in the form of Olga
Kurylenko playing the role of very attractive Nika, a damsel
in distress who gets all wrapped up in this conspiracy and
thus in 47’s life. By the way, 47’s serious focus and good
training is evident on how he deals with Nika’s seductive
advances. It is almost disappointing.
Other eye candies include
the gorgeous Audi that 47 drives, the weaponry, the sharp
and sexy wardrobe, and even the movie poster itself is quite
captivating. It does take more than eye candy to make a
movie better than “ok”. I’m not familiar with the game so I
don’t know if it does the game justice, but from what I see,
I think it could have been better. I wanted more background
on 47 and the agency’s connection with the Church. The movie
opens with the timeless, spiritual musical piece, Ave Maria.
Linking that to this story of super-professional hitmen
gives a chilling effect. I wanted more of that and how/why
the Church is behind this agency. Even though there are some
flaws, not a bad job for Director Xavier Gens’ first major
U.S. release.
Review By Cine Marcos
People Movie Review
Air |
90 |
A movie in which the fans
of the video game will definitely give
credit to and those who have not played
the game will not enjoy Hitman as much.
His attacks could have been more sneaky
but for the most part Hitman was a solid
movie which I enjoyed. A hard movie to
make but it does include enough
excitement and violence to make it worth
seeing. Play the game first and then go
see the movie. You will give Gens credit
for being able to put together a video
game movie. |
Guest |
0 |
hitman was the
worst movie in history. this movie made
stereotypical remarks about how bad
movie's are that come from games true.
there was about 3 minutes of total
dialog in this movie. he plays a role as
a virgin/hitman. theres no plot to this
movie, i don't care what anyone says.
and if u dont belive me watch it. |
Hmm |
0 |
I agree... no plot... it
was like they wanted to say so much that
they ended up saying nothing at all..
big disapointment. the video game was
good. great concept... bad movie... |
limpmushroom |
80 |
I completly agree with
air. This is a great movie and Im glad
that they didn't butcher a great series.
The start is a little fast paced (if you
see the movie you will know what I mean)
but it turns into a great movie. Im glad
to have seen it. |
PsymonS |
90 |
This movie delivered what
I was looking for. I didn't know it was
a movie based off of a video game until
my neighbor in the movie told me so.
Very well delivered, and gave me the
action and adrenaline that I was looking
for. |
0 |
Everything about this
movie was terrible......acting, story
line, picture, fight scenes. Should have
spent more time, money could have made
this a real good movie. Now i know what
a multimillion dollar piece of junk
looks like Great game ridiculous movie. |
HiTmAn47 |
60 |
This movie was very
disappointing to me as iam a big fan of
the hitman game series the movie just
ruined the real story of the game ...
hitman was supposed to be a genetic
creation in lab. from several DNAs
which made him the best assassin ..
and then he was cloned to create many
hitmen (( thats where hitman code name
47 came from )) and so ... all the
hitmen should look exactly the same ...
also the movie didn't give too much
about Diana or the Doctor who created
Hitman ... so much is missing ... So
much disappointment
I guess those guyz didn't even bother to
know the game story |
Reviewman |
30 |
I've played all the
hitman games been waiting for the movie
to come out. The action scenes were
good. But I think the storyline I think
was experimental. What I did not like
about the story was the love part. But I
hope the producers plan to make a sequel
for all the disappointed fans... |
yoyo |
30 |
Quite disappointed, The
story just like other movies (nothing
special), But its a bad movie when we
compare to "The Bourne Ultimatum", I
think the story almost same.
Hitman's enemy is very weak. if they are
under one organization, how come only
agent47 is the best when other are so
much much weak. But since watch movie is
my best entertainment, then i just felt
nice nice. |
General |
80 |
As a fan of all hitman
games to date, I loved the movie. Just
because the Agency, genetics or other
game details did not come into play that
does not make this a bad movie. It
covered the best parts of Agent 47 from
the games, his use of the fibre wire,
stealth executions, precise shots etc.
Great movie, a must see for any fan. |
Manny |
100 |
I think so many people do
not understand especially the hitman
fans, that this movie is hard to make, i
have to give them props for trying. They
did an excellent job with the realism
and violence, i hope to see another
hitman soon but with more story on 47's
origins. I think the actors did
excellent and i think people need to
give more understanding that this game
made into a movie is really hard to pull
off, especially when your contending
with hardcore fans, who expect so much
out of a game turned into movie. I hope
they make more and keep up the good
work! |
Mrfibbs |
100 |
Manny hit the nail on the
head right there. Movies based on games
are impossibly difficult to make. you
just have to look at any other
game-based film to see that they are
very rarely made into anything worth
Hitman, for my money is the best
adaptation I have seen. Yes, details
from the games are missing, and 47's
origins may be different from that told
in the games, but I felt it was
refreshing for a writer to write a story
independent of the games. Yes, he could
have put everything from the game in
there, but then it would have been like
watching the game all over again.
This was the perfect adaptation in my
mind. It drew me into to Hitman's world.
Ok, so there wasn't a lot of heavy
dialogue, but we're talking about an
assassin trained from birth as a killing
machine, nothing else. Social skills are
not going to be his strong point!
Overall, excellent movie, very well
acted and executed. |
a fan |
100 |
If you have played all
four of the games and have respect for
the Hitman franchise you will love this
movie. Heavy dialogue? ... if you've
played the first game you'll know there
wasn't any heavy dialogue. And don't say
"I played Blood Money so I'm a MASSIVE
FAN". Play all four games and you will
respect this movie for what it is. They
delivered an action-packed movie to the
fans and to the movie goers. I would
have liked some more stealth however
maybe this is a sign of the new
direction the game developers and
writers are planning to take for the
next game. I hope David Bateson voices
47 in the next game... |
Kuco |
80 |
Manny / Mrfibbs you guys
got it right, its is hard to make, and
it could have been alot worst.
definattely a good try.
PLUS they could always come back with a
sequel with more details or Origin, and
Backround story, atleast the plot made
me think a little bit. so the action
wasent pointless, like alot of reviews
made it out to be. |
hitman fan#1 |
100 |
I thought the movie was
freaking awesome i haven't played the
game but the movie was great actors were
great and the scenes were awesome it
made everything look real. i still think
that people should give the people
credit because it was a hard movie to
make and some people dont understand. i
loved the movie and i wish i could see
it again. |
Honest Merchant |
30 |
I don't know how you
could ever give this movie anything
above a 50. This was probably one of the
worst movies I've ever seen. The
fighting was okay, but the storyline bad
This movie is a complete waste of time. |
Speedy |
100 |
I feel that this
movie is the best i have seen in a long
time. It really grasps the aspect of the
games and brings to life the character
of"47". It shows that his mind is
clearly on the job, and nothing comes
btween him and his killings. |
Frank & Rhon |
90 |
My wife and I who you
could describe as of mature grandparent
age thoroughly enjoyed the movie and the
way it was portrayed on screen by all
actors. The stunts, the other scenes of
violence were all choreagraphed to
perfection. Not overdone, not sickening
and certainly in the best of the Hitman
game traditions. Any fan of the games
would certainly not be disappointed with
the movie and would, I am sure be
looking for a sequel which would explore
more of the techniques Agent 47 has had
to use to get the various jobs requested
of him done, during the different parts
of his long career. |
Luis |
100 |
Absolutely amazing. It has been one of the best movies I've seen in
the year, and not only because I'm a Hitman fan. It kept room for a
sequel, and it kept 47's soul intact. He was never caught off-guarded, there
was never a senseless, reckless bloodbath. Everything was calculated,
and well executed.
It was a fantastic adaptation, given the fact that it would seem silly
for the average viewer minions of CG-edited Olyphants swarming around
fighting each other. They managed to make a less-fictional, equally
plausible past for 47, and I enjoyed that. Even the Hotel scene from
"Contracts" was squeezed in very nicely. A must see! |
ten |
100 |
Im a ardent fan of hitman
games...i think it is the best game
adaptation ever made. but not detail
enough on the storyline. |
Cassidy |
40 |
OK. I played all hitman
games. Big fan of them, but I still
think that film was a little bit waste
of time and money for me. It was far
from being brilliant, altough there were
intentions to recreate game's screen
feel. Overall I somehow didn't feel
thrill I felt by playing games. And yes
- games were somehow "smarter". I know
people argue that its difficult to make
film out of game, but let me give
another example - "Silent Hill". I
thought film was bril, cause director
took the best bits of game and had his
own head and imagination. |
ten |
80 |
I really enjoyed the
movie. It was very interesting, the
fightings, the shooting and timing were
great!. The movie itselt in picture was
ausome, the suits and fashions were
enjoyable...I even got the gloves,
cufflinks, suit and tie like hitman.
why? because I just love the sharpness
and fashion in the movie!!! but, and I
must add a but, I don't understand how
they made a conjunction to the church
and 47's beginning. It never showed in
the games. Yet it helps explain the
probable cause of the purpose of the
cloning. I await for the sequel, and
more great movies! |
Tom |
10 |
Terrible film, useless
plot, pathetic acting and for an action
can't see how people can call this the
best film they've seen all year, if you
compare this action film to say, bourne
ultimatum it doesn't even compare!
bizarre |
Russell |
100 |
This was my movie of the
year. Tim Olyphant was incredible in the
role of the hitman.The action scenes
were crazy ,i just cant wait for the
sequel |
Jay |
90 |
This was my movie of the
year. Tim Olyphant was incredible in the
role of the hitman.The action scenes
were crazy ,i just cant wait for the
I strongly agree!!! You just have to be
a fan of the video games |
draconia |
none |
hitmans was alright but i
agree with most of u, you all made very
intresting points about the movie and
yes THERE is some of the story line
missing but like at the facts video game
based movies have like a 14% chance of
success for example look at MK it was
alright but not the greatest movie ever
made, but on the other hand look at tomb
raider, it was alright. |
RealisT |
100 |
I just watched the movie
and came across this review, the only
thing that bothers me about this movie
is that all the geeky people that play
video games and read comics then want
the movie to be exactly the same and
when its not you have a mental
break-down, be quiet and grow up.... if
every movie was the same as every video
game and comic, why bother when you know
everything.... Take the movie for what
it is and not what you want it to be
thats why you didnt produce it......
Awsome movie and i hope to see more of
this movie and the actors......... |
hollywood |
80 |
bla bla bla , cant you
guys figure out the fact that , if they
did tought about makeing a sequel they
just left room for the BEGINING , that's
right , nothing better then to make the
story about how 47 came to be then
puting it in the sequel , that's gonna
satisfy the game fans and it's give a
better view to the first part....
special effects could have been a little
smoother but , maybe they had
something else in mind. |
Rindo |
none |
I was very disappointed
with the movie. It had a lot of the game
series in it, but lacked the class.
Agent 47 may be a cold-blooded mercenary
who does his job with brutal efficiency,
but he had a charm that was totally
missing in the movie. Timothy Olyphant
wasn't as bad as I'd thought he'd be
(I'll always remember him as the
porno-flick producer in "The Girl Next
Door") as the movie went on, but I
expected a lot more. And the voice! It
would've been half-assuaged if they'd at
least got the voice right. Why couldn't
they have just made David Bateson (the
voice talent for 47 in the game) give a
voiceover for Olyphant?? |
Savio |
100 |
one of the best movies in
my life. excellent acting. people, just
understand. if the cloning and related
stuffs were to be shown, then the movie
loses the 'reality'.
tim was gr8. jus look at the style of
walking- exact as in the game. i'm
a hardcore fan of the hitman games, and
the movie too satisfied me.i wish the
sequel comes better with more of 47's
origin and the church. anyway,
47 > 007.u know what it means. |
Dan |
90 |
When i rented it i was
wondering if they where going to do a
good job with it. Alot of games that
turn into a movie do not go so good and
sometime they kill the game series
itself, and a fan of both the movie and
game i found this movie to be really
good, only thing i found disappointing
was the girl. Because in the games he
would kill anyone or anything that got
in his way to get the job done. so all
and all i really loved the movie and i
hope they make Hitman 2!. |
Geri |
100 |
I love the movie Hitman,
I like to know when the sequel will be
out. I am waiting, I happy Vin Diseal or
Jason Statham did not get the part. The
new actor was sexy. I can't wait for the
next Hitman. |
Caboose |
90 |
Wonderful movie....but
did anyone else notice that the opening
scenes were from the Jessica Alba
television show "Dark Angel"? Also Geri,
Vin Diesal didn't get th part but he was
an executive producer of the movie. |
Serenity |
90 |
I just caught the movie
on DVD along with the other Thanksgiving
release, No Country for Old Men. I
honestly preferred Hitman. It seems to
me that most critics of the film come
from two fronts: game players who
expected an exact copy and "Bourne" fans
who simply want to draw unfair
comparisons. I have never played the
video game, so I can only judge the
movie on its face. And as much as I
enjoyed the Bourne trilogy, I would have
been disappointed had this film simply
been a lesser copy. What can I say? I
liked it for what it was. |
Don |
100 |
heyhey. for you guys who
ever played hitman games, for you, its
terrible. yes i know. but for people who
did'nt ever played the game before, its
outstanding for them. two thumbs up as i
did'nt played the game before. :) |
Damien Brown |
100 |
Best film i have seen in
a long time. Action good, draw in good
and sense of the genre was at a high.
Lacked more game to film reference but a
great effort of making a film about a
popular game that is hard to replicate |
Jon |
90 |
i love this movie,i own
it on blu ray,and watch it roughly 3
times a week!
its always on at my house,parties,band
practice,dinner with my wife..its in the
background.We both love the story,the
acting(great casting)There was no way
this game-to movie could have been
better,it was awesome,olyphant is
perfect,olga is stunning,and extremely
honest in her acting,and portrayal
showing both strength,and weakness.The
cinematography is flawless,and stylish
in the best possible way.The pace,and
order fit right in with the game(those
who are fans will appreciate this)
Detail,Cool factor,Story,Cast//all
reasons to watch this flick! |
Submit Your Movie Review
Director: Xavier Gens
Writer: Skip Woods
1hr 33mins
Staring: Olyphant
Dougray Scott
Robert Knepper
Olga Kurylenko
Ulrich Thomsen
Michael Offei
Producer: Luc Besson
Pierre-Ange Le Pogam
Chuck Gordon
Adrian Askarieh
Distributor: 20TH cENTURY FOX
Release Date: November 21, 2007
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