The People's Review of The Insider
score = 100
A truly great movie! Not only was it well written and extremely well-played
by Pacino and Crowe, but the technical aspects of the movie were
outstanding. I loved the choice of shots especially the ones that got in
close and really showed the characters' emotions. This combined with the
emotionally moving music really involved me emotionally with the plot. This
is definitley a movie you shouldn't miss.
score = 80
I liked the
picture for two reasons. First, I know that it is based in part on an actual event.
Second, I enjoy movies which make you use your grey matter a bit. This one had enough plot
and twists that it at least kept me awake. As for acting, Pacino is really good. He
does a good job in his part. In some respects Crowe steals the show but then he has a part
with a bit more meat. I recommend this show.
score = 80
The tragedy
of personal integrity strong-armed by corporate greed that is too often enabled by
bureaucracies whose duty is to protect and serve the people. The people usually get
the short end of the stick. Lives completely destroyed, often even terminated.
It is good that Hollywood (Disney) gave us this story with all the machinations to be
overcome when one decides that truth is more important than "security" -- there
is no security if your life is a lie. Russell Crowe's eloquent portrayal of the reluctant
hero wrenches the heart, more so because we know this story is based on factual
events. Al Pacino, as the dedicated journalist who will not abandon his source or
sell out, plays with the angst and passion we have come to recognize as quintessential
Pacino. America needs heroes, people who have values and go to the mat for those values.
Nobody wins in The Insider and I'm sure Big Tobacco did not lose -- that's a loss for us
all. This movie puts it in our face what we may likely experience when we stand up
for what is right and just. Hopefully, this movie will give us the courage to do it
score = 100
To all who were
involved in the making of The Insider..I commend you for your tenacity to see the truth
and want to inform the public expose those who think that money is the answer to all
problems in this world. The tobacco industry has had its hand in making look like no
big deal..everybody does it. It is a killer and with the increase of addictive agents to
lure even more mainly unsuspecting teens and young people(which my own daughter is one),
they need to be exposed for who they really are. I thank Michael Mann for having the
courage to do this film. I'm sure you must have had obstacles,but thank you for
forging ahead. The film was so excellent we will be buying when it comes out on DVD
and I have recommended to all people I know to see this film. I am so glad to know
that there are heroes out there like Jeff Wigand and I pray that his life is one of joy
now, knowing that he did indeed do the right thing. His children will always be
proud of him. And to! Lowell Bergman, who is a real mench as we say in Yiddush..a
real person. Thank you for caring about an individual who did put himself out on a
very thin limb and did the right did the right thing too. I say there
are 2 heroes in this film. Lowell, thanks for walking away from 60 Miinutes. I
have lost respect for Mike Wallace. It seems that the dollar to most is more
important than the lives of many millions. Its a shame. And to Michael Mann,
please keep making more want to see movies. You are a tremendous director. My
own son, Andrew wants to direct film one day, and you are fine example for him to watch.
Thanks again and God bless you in this work. Debbie Landers
score = 90
"The Insider" was a rare case of David vs. Goliath. The acting was great.
The plot was riveting. My main reason for loving this movie is the guts of
Jeffrey Wigand. I'm glad to see he was recognized for his achievement. One man
can make a difference.
score = 90
I am a therapist/counselor who has worked under a Tobacco Use Prevention
Education Grant as a designated high school classroom speaker for 3 year.
I researched the B & W/Wigand case way before the movie came out.
My impression is that the movie was extreemly accurate and perceptive.
I tell my students that they're old enough now to see how the real world
works. It's an eye opener for many of them.
score = 90
this was a darn good movie. Both Pacino and Crowe deserve oscars. It showed
how bad tobacco companies are in an effective way. If you have not seen the
movie,see it soon.Pacino is excelllent as a stressed- out TV producer and so
is Crowe as a man who's life is damaged.He acted like it was really
score = 90
I saw The Indsider the other day and really loved it. I do not to a
lot of movies and the ones I go to are usually just mindless action movies.
However, despite the length of The Insider the story remains gripping the
entire way. Everyone should see this movie. The only reason it
has a [R] rating is for language and the subject matter, but if you are a
parent of a intelligent son or daughter who keeps up on current events, you
should really take them to see this movie.
score = 100
I saw the movie with a friend last night.........I have two heros in my life
now. Jeffrey Wigand and Lowell Bergman are men that can be pround of
themselves each day of their lives. They're men of character, honor
and accountability. I've been impacted by their dedication to do
what's right. Discounting the odds and the personal sacrafices, they
persevered changing the course of history along with the course of their own
lives. I want to believe that they've found happiness, that they are
in a place that brings them daily joy.
score = 90
My Favorite Al Pacino is fantastic. He is a natural in this film and I could
feel his anger build throughout the movie. He is a winner in my book.
Russell Crowe is perfect for Jeffrey Wigand and the despair in his face when
he has lost everything for his cause, is without a doubt the most moving
moment. This is a long, superlative, movie. Al Pacino is Again Classy!
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