The People's Review of Me Myself and Irene
score = None
I would like to give this movie a score of 10 but that would be way too
high. Warning: Do not waste your time or money on this piece of garbage! I
can handle crude humor and expected it with this movie but the laughs
never came. I couldn't even force or fake a laugh. This movie was so bad
that I will be scared to ever see a Jim Carrey movie again.
score = 10
This has to be the worst movies I have ever seen. Started to walk
out several times, but I thought it had to get better, unfortunately it
only got worse. Not only was the humor crude, the the scenes were so
unrealalistic. However I can imagine some young teenagers enjoying the
score = 90
This movie is hilarious! I was laughing my head off! Some people I
spoke to said it was crude. I admit it isn't the Titanic but it was
supposed to be a Comedy damn it! If you know the Farrelly brothers
remember a hit about hmmm a person named Mary" then you know what to
expect! Jim Carrey is a comic genius especially his physical comedy.
If a superb actress like Renee Zellweger can have fun with it, and
you so called "critics" respect her then maybe you should just
RELAX and just have fun with it too.
score = None
This movie was definetely very funny. Sure the jokes were crude, some even
tasteless, but the fact is that it made me laugh, harder than i have in a
long time. This is the whole idea. All you people out there who discredit
this movie, especially loverboys Francis and Vic, should stay home and
curl up to Mad about you!
score = 30
This movie was below-average at best. I was wholeheartedly
disappointed in the lack of laughs. I took the advice of many of the
on-line critics and saw it in the early afternoon. The movie was not
quite worth the price of a matinee admission. Not since The Cable
Guy have I been so disappointed in a Jim Carrey movie. I hope the
next one is better.
score = None
I usually enjoy a good comedy, but I didn't get most of this one. I
only laughed at a few scenes. The extensive swearing didn't offend me,
however, I did not find it funny. I am a Jim Carrey fan, and love
'The Mask', 'Liar Liar' and 'The Cable Guy'. 'Me, Myself and Irene'
seems a cheap combination of all these films. The movie even seemed
half-finished. I would like to also note that my dissatisfaction with the
film is not due to the 'dirty humour'. I liked Austin Powers - The
Spy Who Shagged Me'.
score = 50
it was so good. Slightly crude, but for those that can appreciate crude
humour this is the perfect movie.
score = 100
This is one of the best comedies ever!! I was laughing
practically the entire time I was sitting in my seat. It has a great
story! This ranks up there with Deuce Bigalow which is also one of
my favorites! Definitely go see it right away. It was
score = None
Full of chuckles if you see the lighter side of life. We enjoyed! I
would not, however suggest taking a 12-year-old child to see it! I think
most kids, fortunately-- do not have the maturity to interpret and assess
the sexual comedy puns. Exposure to materials which are not age
appropriate surfaces during the school day and I think parents would be
appauled at some of the attitudes which are formed---partially as a result
of too early exposure.
score = 60
This was one of the funniest movies of the summer, so far. Jim Carrey is a
riot, I've enjoyed everything he has done to this point. This was the
first I had seen of Renee Zellweger but I hope to see more, she was great.
Solid story. A crack up. Go see it, you'll enjoy it.
score = 80
Don't go expecting to see a normal Jim Carrey movie. This one goes
beyond gross. But it was funny. Harsh language and sexual content
(parents: don't let your young ones see this movie) but I think it even
beats There's Something About Mary". Carrey returns to some of
his old gags of Ace Ventura. Best comedy out right now but don't see it if
you are upset by cruel humor.
score = 100
Shakespear? No. Did you expect it to be a intelligent comedy? Certainly
not. If you expected that you need to have your brain checked for
something called "Common Sense". When has a comedy made me
laugh so hard? Not since Liar Liar. And yes, there was
bathroom humor in that too. Remember, he beat himself up in that one
too, and it was in the bathroom. If you are easily offended then
maybe you should skip over about 80% of the movies made these days.
The directors won't miss your money because there are thousands upon
thousands that can and do take it for what it is, COMEDY. If you can
not laugh at yourself do not leave your house ever again. Even African
Americans should be able to handle this movie, that is if they can laugh
at themselves. Lighten up, life is too short to spend it offended by
score = 100
It was the funniest movie I've seen for years. Jim Carrey is the funnist
comedic actor. Anyone who didn't think this was good is stuck up, stupid,
or take movies way too seriosly. Many people on this list have completly
no taste such as Francis and Vic which are to of the gayest names I've
ever heard.
-Thank You
score = None
Disgustingly filthy. I was very disappointed. Jim Carrey is a
brilliant comedic actor and he did not need the filthy mouth language, or
all the sexual inuendos. It would have been funny without that. I
lost some respect for him in this movie. If this is what the American
people think is funny, then it is scary. The lack of morals is
killing us as a nation. I was embarassed being seen walking out of that
movie. There was hardly any laughter from the people sitting in the
score = 80
I took my 12 year old son to see it last night. I have to admit that a few
scenes made me a little uncomfortable, being there with my son. But, as a
whole, I enjoyed it! Uptight people should avoid it though. It felt good
to sit back and laugh at Jim Carrey's ridiculous behavior ;-)
score = 20
This movie was terrible! I was so surprised, because I love every other
Jim Carrey movie! I laughed a total of two times throughout the whole
movie! I'm glad i saw it as a matinee. Definitly a movie that can be
score = 90
Best Carrey movie in a long time. Laughed from beggining to end. wasn't
mindless like adam sandler. Please how manyt imes cna he act like a grown
up kid. Carrey does his comedy on the fly which makes it that much
funnier. anyone who didn't like it was looking for something else thi
isn't the oscars. and for those offended becuase it makes fun of crazy
people do you reall think a movie is their biggest issue. fight club
was the same thing. "a guy bveating the piss out of himself yet
everyone glorifies it as satire.
score = 30
The direction of this film is uncertain. Jokes were thrown in
sporadically and were usually predictable. Most of the humor was
sophomoric...high school level stuff. I wanted it to end...
score = 80
I read some vehement dislikes of this new Farrlley brother comedy. The key
word is COMEDY. I mean just what did you think you would get here, did not
you see: Dumb & Dumber, Kingpin, Something About Marry? These guys
concentrate on making people laugh by means that have been making people
laugh since time began. Let's just leave out the comments about people who
like this flick are brain dead. Please spare me the high brow attitude. I
do like Carrey’s performance, in so far as he sticks to the basics and
uses his talent as a truly gifted physical comic. Carrey can pull off
certain devices of humor that few have ever come close to. The movie goes
a little far sometimes, perhaps off the page completely concerning
Charlie’s family life, but I don’t see the Farrlley’s as trying to
make political points, just laugh points. The film is worth seeing,
not only for Jim Carrey fans, but for fans of jocose cinema. Score: 80
which would rate a Worth Seeing>
score = None
disappointed in movie there was no need for the filthy dirty language and
suggestive sexual content. very disappointed in jim carrey. will
probadly never see another of his movies without checking out reviews
score = 100
What a work of art? Laughed from beginning to end. Haven't laughed
that hard in a movie theater since "There's something about
Mary." You gotta see it. For all you bland, humorless
people out there who gave negative reviews about it, you guys really need
to loosen up or just lock yourself in your house because it's people like
you who infect our planet with grumpy, sour, unpleasant people. To all the
rest that loved the movie, ROCK ON!!!!!
Alicia Sloan
score = 10
It was so terrible, my friend and I walked out! And we loved the
clever comedy "There's Something About Mary." It's like
the Farrelly Brothers went stupid or something (how disappointing from
whom I thought were quality independent filmmakers!) I would rate this as
one of the worst movies of the year. I was disappointed in Jim Carrey's
choice to do the film. The script sucked...bad stereotypes and Cheap
shots!I felt offended by the dipiction of all the stereotypes. Bad taste.
What happened to the Farrelly Brothers, are they desperate for money or
something? Have they sold out to Hollywood crap? Also, they didn't do
their research on schizophrenia...schizophrenia is not the same thing as a
split personality. Jim Carrey's character would probably be diagnosed with
a disassociative disorder. Nothing like encouraging myths in mental
illness. Come on, Hollywood, get your act together!At least they
could have gotten the diagnosis correct. Comedy at it's worst. It's
a shame. I love Jim Carrey and we know he's capabe of quality comedy.
score = None
Never have I wanted to walk out of a movie and go down the line of those
waiting to tell them "Don't waste your money." Even being
a Jim Carrey fan, there was too much content that had nothing to do with
anything. As an acress, Renee Zellweger deserves more. She was
the only decent thing about the whole movie.
score = 100
Anyone that did not enjoy this movie, you are an uptight square. Let
yourself go for this movie. It is a very, very funny movie, even if
they are cheap laughs. It is just creative and take it for what its
worth, a good laugh!
score = 100
The greatest actor and the greatest comedian in the world has just made
another super great movie that will be enjoyed over and over and over
again by Jim's fans---and he has zillions!!!!
score = 100
Carrey is back, and he's bigger and badder than he's ever been! Way
way way over the top! If you are a Jim Carrey fan, you've got
to add this new one to your list. Bruising (OUCH!) physical comedy,
a disgustingly great use of a chicken (the original "dirty
bird"), and a marvelous supporting cast including the vertically
challenged limo driver Shante and Jim's three adorable sons (I laughed so
hard over those guys that tears rolled down my face). Whitey (Milky)
is also a trip, not to mention the cow and the blown-off thumb. Carrey is
the greatest proponent of physical comedy living today---NO ONE can do
what he does physically. And he is a versatile and talented actor.
Some people will belly-ache about this flick, but die-hard Carrey
fans are raving about "Irene." Check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Austin Burbank
score = 10
I hated the movie and thought that it was trash with a capital T. I
would like to write the production company and ask for my money back.
If you have the address, please send it to me. the movie was not
funny and it was very rude. It was very sad that Rhode Island State
Police let themselves be protrayed in this movie and it is also sad that
it also took place in Vermont (my home state).
score = 20
My opinion is split on this one. I laughed so hard that I cried when
the character turned into Hank and got back all of the smartallecks who'd
crossed his path that day. I was offended by the racial humor and
stereotypical behavior that was chosen for the African American
characters. And what was that shooting the cow about? I have
enjoyed Jim Carrey's other movies, this one was an incomplete idea...or
score = None
score(really)= -90 I'll save the minus 100 score for something even worse
- given the trend in 'entertainment' I know we'll get there soon. How did
I hate this? Let me count the ways:
1. It makes even Jerry Lewis seem intelligent.
2. It was predictable and just plain stupid.
3. I've heard better humor in the school locker room.
4. It reminds me I live in a world full of brain-dead, useless air-wasters
who will enjoy it.
score = 90
I loved it, Non-stop laughs...It is Definitely worth seeing...If you love
comedy movies you'll love this one!
score = 90
This is an overthetop laughfest. I haven't laughed this hard (me and
everyone else in the theater)in a movie since the early Mel Brooks &
Woody Allen movies. Some people are going to react negatively to it
like the few reviews at the top of this section...and they should discuss
it with their therapists. This movie is going to make a lot of people
laugh hysterically and make stuiod accountants hysterically happy.
score = 80
This is a typical Jim Carrey movie that must be appreciated for his wacky
acting style. The movie is absolutely hilarious. The trailers
showed it to be humorous but there are so many more scenes that will get
you rolling. Lots of F this and F that so you might want to leave the kids
at home for this one.
score = 90
I just saw this movie last night, sneak preview, and it was hilarious. You
can't tell by the trailer how funny this movie is! The whole audience was
laughing throughout it. It is definately a MUST SEE. I can't wait to see
it again. But the movie IS full of raw humor, swearing etc., so it is for
adults only. Go see it!
score = None
How bad can a movie get? Try this one and find out. Stupid.
Dumb. Idiotic. This describes me for paying full price for this
celebration of bathroom and locker room humor - and even that doesn't
quite do this justice. Justice would demand that the writers be banned
from producing anything ever again. I just can't believe how awful
this was. Take the worst of Jim Carrey, multiply it by a couple of
thousand, and you're beginning to get the idea. Now, if you're a
Carrey fan, I suppose you must go, and I suppose you must give your
obligatory rave salute to his comic genius... yeah right. This is
but one more indication as to the depths we've sunk. I could go on,
but the two hours was waste enough of my time to spend on it. I'm
simply warning you here - doing my civic duty as much as if there were a
toxic landfill in your backyard you didn't know about. Now you know.
By the way, the 'score' of 'none' isn't low enough. You should allow
negative points that the writers, producers, directors, and so-called
actors should have to work to remove by doing that much better on their
next effort.
Paul Bleier
score = 10
Saw this last night at a screening - ironically, it was the first time in
quite a while my wife and I paid full price for a movie. What an
awful movie. If you're one of those who have no brain and laugh at
sophmoric humor, then you're probably one of the idiots laughing at the
stupidity we witnessed. I can't say enough bad things about this film...
I'm embarassed we paid full price and didn't walk out. I wouldn't
even recommend this as a rental. It wasn't just dumb it was
offensively dumb. And no, it's not that we just didn't 'understand'
the humor of Jim Carrey, it's that he wasn't really humorous throught most
of this trash. Where he was funny, I was too stunned by the other
crap to laugh very much(and those places were few and far between).
For those of you who are here going to write rave reviews of this film and
say I don't have a clue: Would you please move out of my neighborhood?
You're the type of person that typifies what's gone wrong with our
society. Heck, if you like this film please leave the planet, and
take the writers of this garbage with you.