
SYNOPSIS: Steven Spielberg returns to executive produce the long-awaited next installment of his groundbreaking Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World. Colin Trevorrow directs the epic action-adventure based on characters created by Michael Crichton. The screenplay is by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver and Derek Connolly & Trevorrow, and the story is by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver. Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley join the team as producers.
Directed by 2012’s “Safety Not Guaranteed,” Colin Trevorrow, this fourth
installment does a great job supplementing the 3D craze with lively leading characters and slick humor weaved in to scenes complimented by awesome CGI-action, while meeting the grandeur expectations of the Jurassic monsters. This allows Trevorrow’s version, of the concept, to do a nice job of resetting the stakes and answering the obvious question as to why anyone would ever want to revisit this specific island full of dinosaurs all over again. Especially after the disastrous fate it [the theme park itself] has suffered in the past. By this point I simply mean, the “Jurassic World” concept of the movie is a blustering, successful theme park set on the same island that the original Jurassic Park took place. In the twenty two or so years that have passed, It has pretty much reestablished itself as the
“place to go,” for the ultimate dinosaur experience of a life time. Think Disney theme parks on steroids.
This is an effects-driven monster movie in an era saturated with many of its kind, but distinguishes itself by paying homage to the original movie and bringing back both of its abandoned locations as well as that Tyrannosaurus rex we all came to know from past releases. I would say that it’s making the most of the genres’ tired formula and the “Jurassic Park” movies may just be the least likely action franchise to spawn four movies. This doesn’t seem to be a story that’s really meant for multiple movies, yet here we are experiencing the forth release. This, despite the fact that in 2015 it’s practically impossible to impress anyone with CGI, let along come up with new material to amaze die-hard action movie fans. I guess what I’m trying to say is that on the outset, the original storyline would appear as though it’s an expertly self-contained story about an adventure that really could only happen one time, but somehow through it all “Jurassic World” proves that they have ways to produce good material from such a simple idea.
Needless-to-say, it’s created purely to entertain. It's a spectacular feat of cinematic engineering that's an edge-of-your-seat, roller-coaster ride. It’s the type of action flick that is sure to impress audiences across the spectrum. With a formidable cast and storyline, striking effects, and just enough nostalgia to allow audiences to reminisce, “Jurassic World” is just as much fun as you’d hoped it would be. I’m not suggesting that it’s winning any Oscars, and the movie won’t make the special effects statements like the originals did, but behind all the hype, “Jurassic World” is a well-crafted addition to the franchise (I’d argue one of the best since the original) and well worth the theater visit with popcorn in tow. Four stars out of five are much deserved here.
By Movi-Man Stan