In Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the galactic legends in an epic adventure that unlocks age-old mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.
Luke Skywalker:
I only know one truth: It's time for the Jedi... to end.
No! It can't be. This can't be the end of the Jedi. I mean, if that's the case, who is the "Last Jedi"? Is it Luke? Is it Rey? Is it Kylo Ren? Is it Leia? Well I'm not going to tell you, sorry. Star Wars fans, you know you're going to see this movie regardless of what anyone says or what a critic writes. You just have to, you have no choice. As one myself (Star Wars fan) I can tell you that I truly believe you will not be disappointed. Which brings up a good point, we've got to reach a consensus on a nickname for the fandom. You know Trekkies is to Star Trek as _______ is to Star Wars. We really need to give ourselves a name. But then again, Star Wars, the saga that defined a generation, or two, the perfect marriage between sci-fi and drama, is still strong and healthy. At this point, we don't need a name. Sure there have been others with as many or even more epic films like Star Trek, James Bond, and heck even throw in Harry Potter, but have any of them spanned over 40 years in the cinema AND continued or expanded on one overall story AND it's still going strong? There's nothing quite like Star Wars and here we get to celebrate its latest installment. This film has great action and plenty of it. It has intense drama and plenty of it. The storyline is really good with more than enough content. It seems to have multiple climaxes. Even at 2 1/2 hours, you won't want it to end. There is also more than enough conflict both internal and external. There is a consistent feeling of hopelessness and yet a sense of hope at the same time. Hope has always been the underlying theme of the Star Wars Universe.
Luke Skywalker:
Breathe. Just breathe. Now reach out. What do you see?
Rey: Light. Darkness. A balance.
Luke Skywalker:
It's so much bigger.
As is usually the case, we are treated to our reminiscent characters, the newer characters, and new-new characters. Put them all together and you get a very entertaining and fulfulling bunch. I would guess that the biggest question you all might have going into this film is who the heck is Rey. Where did she come from? Who are her parents? Well I'll tell you then. Rey is the daughter of . . . NOT. Are you kidding me? You actually want me to ruin it for you. I won't do that to you. But seriously, is the Rey mystery solved in this one? Maybe. The cast member that really got to me though, or more so considering the real world, was of course Carrie Fisher reprising her role. I will admit that I got teary eyed a couple of times watching her play her most infamous role with the same spunk she always had. As for the others, as you'd expect, Daisy was sharp, Mark was good and bizarre, Boyega was intense, Oscar was hyper, and Adam was cynical. Overall with these guys along with the rest of the cast, the performances were pretty darn good. Don't even need to mention (but I will) that the special effects were amazing. Along those lines of the visual experience, the cinematography and various filming locations and backdrops were also amazing. Director Rian Johnson did a fabulous job with this film, especially with keeping the ball rolling maybe even accelerating it a little. The Force must be strong with him. And may the force be with all you movie goers too! Enjoy.
By Cine Marcos