The People's Review of The Perfect Storm
score = 100
My name is Courtney and I'm 12 years old and i just really loved your
movie! I love movies that has to deal with the waters.Very soon,I might
start scbua diving lessons.
What really sucked though is that they wroked really hard to get that fish
and they were getting a lot of it but then they lost it.
My heart is with the ocean,I just love it.I can't wait to actully go to
one of the oceans someday.But I really loved that movie and you guys did
such a great job at it!
I think you should make a second movie because that be really neat.You
could use that little boy as though he's grown up and has become a
fisherman and gets stuck like in the same storm and beats the wave,that be
really neat!!!!
Well I'm giving you guys a 100 and i think you know why ha.
Your Little fan,
Courtney Stape
score = 90
I read the book - the movie varies slightly to add excitement. No
one knows the true story, including the author of the book.
This was an adaptation of a true story where the ending is unknown and it
was a very good one. I felt the characters matched those in the book
very well.
score = 80
yeah i have seen this movie,and i am very delight about it.the film is
good and i think in the title which is "THE PERFECT
STORM"indicate a perfect film.
Robin C
score = 90
I have seen this movie twice and was moved each time. People will
now be aware of the true dangers of the fishing industry. I also
thought it made a profound statement on the condition of society's
dependence on money - how we literally risk our lives to achieve even a
little bit. Cast did an outstanding job - John Hawkes gave a
particularily wonderful performance.
score = 30
I also thought this was a very boring movie and if all of them died then
how do we know what happened. The true story may have been that they died
as soon as a storm hit them. I don't recommend paying money for this
one. Maybe rent it.
score = 40
I fell asleep during this movie, so don't blame me if I get the actors'
names mixed up. The first 30 minutes of this movie was more like a
tragedy than a drama. The tragedy is, it starts out so slow. The
drama is, it actually has some thrilling scenes. Mark Wahlberg played a
sad role. In the ending (I don't want to give it away, if you could
say that,} I just want to tell you that this movie went downhill, and on
the way, George Clooney hit a bump.
score = 50
It was good that should have wentr in more depth with the charaters. If
they would have I probably would have cried at the end but i didn't. It
was okay.
score = 90
I really liked this movie. I read the book before I went to see it,
and I think they did an excellent job in portraying the last few days of
these men. George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, and Mary Elizabeth did a
very convincing job. The effects were, of course, amazing, and I
felt like I was there in the ocean with them. I would reccomend this
dave vb
score = 80
A very good bordering on great movie experience. The movie tells a good
story without the usual hollywood addons. The storm sequences are
great and the actors don't let their acting overshadow the real star of
the movie, the storm.
score = 100
I have so much respect for everyone who devoted their time to making The
Perfect Storm. I saw it last night, on Wed. July 12. My heart was pounding
from the beginning of the movie, and it didn't stop. There were so many
awesome parts. By the end of the movie, I was so shaken up that I came so
close to bursting out into tears, which says a lot about the power of the
movie, because I never cry at movies like that. For example, Titanic. At
the time, I thought it was a really cool movie, although I already knew
the plot, but I didn't cry when Leonardo DiCaprio died. All the girls
around me did because they think he's so hot... but anyway, back to the
movie. I don't know what was left out that they had in the book, but I did
notice that at the end, they didn't find the empty fuel barrel marked AG.
I read the book, as well, which was extremely well written. Junger's
interpretation of what happens when a person drowns was incredibly vivid.
I thought both the movie and the book were extremely well done. Anyone who
says that the movie or book was boring can go screw themselves. I know
that I will definitely see this movie again. No doubt about it. I can't
say enough good things about this movie. If 100 is the best score, then I
give it a 500.
score = 50
Clooney plays the most inept Skipper ever documented on film. For
some excitement Wahlberg should have played his part in the nude.
Basically it's a Woman's Lib flick!
score = 50
First, let me say that I have not read the book,and thus all of my
opinions reflect the film alone. If all of the men died on the boat, how
can this be a 'true' story? No one knows that there was a shark attack or
that there was initially a conflict between two men on the boat. I think
it was just thrown in to keep the audience from falling asleep, due to the
minutely thin plot line. The part before the men went to sea was boring,
boring, boring. Was of no interest, was too drawn out and did not add much
to the plot. The U.S. Coast Guard plot line added some insight, but
that again, was too drawn out. I know that the movie was about the
powerful forces of nature (the age-old man vs. nature conflict) but quite
frankly, I was sick of seeing endless wind, waves, and water for an hour
straight. And what is with the testosterone-driven shipmates? Again and
again, they face an obstacle. They have a decision to make, and their
outlook is 'Heh Heh. YEAH! We can do it! Nothing will get in our way
(because we're strong burly men and aren't afraid of anything).' And
then when they overcome the obstacle, again, scenes of men chuckling and
slapping each other on the back for their manliness and prowess. COME ON,
moments, a few nail-biting scenes which did leave one's heart pounding.
However, overall as a film, it was a disappointing flop.
score = 80
Shows the event and leaves the viewer to wonder about the characters. For
a change it is a movie that lets the viewer make an opion about the people
involved, regardles of the outcome. Good movie.
David Hanson <>
score = 10
If I could go below 10 I would-- This is far and away the worst film I
have ever seen. The effects were good. Anyways, now that I've spoken
about the good parts of the movie, let's look at the bad. For starters
none of the characters are likable, save the dude with the little son.
But that's the only part of him you like. Next, the entire movie is
fictitious though they claim it's a true story. Well, since they all
DIED there is no possible way to know what happened. For all we know
after their last transmission they all started burning candles and formed
an Elvis-worshiping cult then commited mass suicide. Why not, no one
lived to tell the tale. The only dude I liked was the undeniably Capt.
Ahab'ish old man sitting in the bar. They should have made the movie
about him. What the movie finally teaches us is that they all died because
they were stupid and greedy. Quite a tribute to their lives, eh?
Maybe what's best is the funeral scene where we get to look at all their
Drivers License photos while the random woman in the movie repeats exactly
what George Clooney said earlier. With good directing and acting,
that could have had a profound dramatic emphasis. Unfortunately, it
just served as buffer time for people to start walking out of the movie
before the crowd. Don't spend money on this. Tell your friends the
same. Tell you enemies it was good. I have honestly seen shows
on the Discovery Channel about the same topic that were far more
entertaining. You want a story about man versus the elements, go rent
Apollo 13 or that bear movie (don't remeber the name...Alec Baldwin and
Anthony Hopkins). Those were good. This one does Mr. Peterson's good
name a discredit--but it was his own fault.
score = 80
it was a pretty good movie and pretty good effects, but three main things
made it worse, the first being the ending, that was not a good ending
second, what about the storm surge, the main reason i was watching, if the
storms were like they said, the surge would have been enormous, large
enough to completely obliderate the crows nest and everything near it for
about a mile, and also i dont think those other boats should have been
shown they confused me too much
Frank Kaestner
score = 70
When I saw the preview of Perfect Storm I thought it was going to be a
good movie. But I was wrong this movie is so boring that it will make you
go to sleep. Also if no one survive how do they know what happen? I know
the story is real about the storm. But the movie is fake.
score = 80
In the opening scene, there is a casino boat. In 1991, there were no
casino boats in Gloucester. How much did Leisure Casino Cruises pay
to have their boat in the opening scene?
Fred Bacque
score = 100
I saw this movie after having read the book. I am loathe to watch movies
made of books I've read: they're usually hackneyed betrayals of the
authors original intent. This was not only untrue in this case, but I was
moved deeply by the overall film. When people leave the theatre nauseous
from the rolling of the ship and the incessant flashing of
lightning....then the special effects people deserve a tip of the hat. I
have sailed, and I have weathered storms so intense the lightning in the
movie seems abbreviated. I find no exaggeration in any of it. The
character portrayals were as good as anyone could hope for; the love lines
in the movie seem harsh and perhaps truncated in the eyes of some
critics.....well consider the end and you might find it difficult to
encounter a present tense when the future was the overarching reality that
immersed all the people Junger gleaned the story from for his book. I can
only relate that when the credits rolled and the music played I began to
leave the theatre and stopped, face in my hands and rolling tears left me
in a doorway as others passed by.
score = 100
this is a really good movie for people who love intense scenes. you know
how up there it says, "rated pg 13 for scenes of peril"? Try
practically the whole movie is in peril! this is a definete must see and
although the acting isn't superb the special effects completely make up
for it. for the last hour you are holding your breath! i literally bit my
nails to stubs! go see the movie!!
score = 90
Out of all of the movies I've seen this summer, THE PERFECT STORM is
definitely one of the best and most orginal movies. I was so glad to
see something that wasn't the usual bang-bang-shoot-'em-up "guy
movie", or a long drawn out overly emotional "female
flick". This was a definitly a film I got into, especially at
the end where I felt my own breath still. Wolfgang Peterson did a
wonderful protraying what these six fisherman experienced and how it
affected their community as a whole and their sweethearts.
Jennifer Mora
score = 100
The movie was great! I sat on the edge of my seat through out the whole
movie. I didn't want it to end. Before I saw the movie, I never knew about
this, evenmore, it ended up ending completely different then how I thought
it was going to end. It was a very sad but educational movie. I give THE
PERFECT STORM 100 points. It's a definit must see!!!
score = None
I thought the acting in this, what could have been a captivating story was
the poorest i've seen in quite some time. i expected such terrible acting
from the likes of mr. walberg, but george clooney was the real
disappointment. 4 million dollars for what exactly? when i think about it,
he wasn't much in ER...the storylines of ER are what keeps the show alive.
the special effects were well done. in conclusion, i had a real problem
with the quality of acting in this interesting life story
score = 90
I thought it was great, the special effects were mesmorizing. The
fact that it is a true story was fascinating. I also may see it
score = 40
I haven't read the book and thought the movie was wonderful until the last
15 minutes. Once I learned everyone on the ship died, I couldn't
figure out how this could be based on a true story. What, if
anything, does anyone know about whether they caught alot of fish, how
everyone acted when the storm came, whether or not the one man (don't even
remember his name now) was caught and swept over the boat by the fishing
line, or even if one man made it to out of the boat to be later drowned or
eaten by a shark or what? Also, who's to say they all didn't die
right after their last contact with someone from shore or another boat?
I was very disappointed in the ending and can't believe they made a movie
based on the "true story" of a boat leaving to fish and possibly
a family of three being rescued from their own personal boat.
Peoples Reviews For The Perfect Storm
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