The People's Review of Proof of Life
Score = "80"
"There were slower moments (sorry for those of you that are action-holics)
but they were necessary to the story. Even action films need to have
character development and I believe that this one delivers. An intelligent
film. I was impressed enough to see it a second time. "
Score = "80"
"It was a very well done movie. Very different from usual kidnapping
movies. It portrayed lifestyles of people working in multinationals at
these third world countries, and the risk they go through. for a change a
movie people can relate to, being from a faming from a family like this i
can assure you of that. The drama the movie has is also very realistic. It
looks at many different aspects involved in situations like this, not just
families crying over the kidnapping all day long. These are the tense
moments where people contemplate about life...and the movies covers that
appropriatly. Overall a very good movie...might not be something to watch
to have the thrills of an action movie, but to understand these situations
Score = "30"
"I laughed, I cried, I had a bowel movement. After sitting in a
vegetative state realizing that at some point Meg Ryan was going to have
to hump Russel Crow I decided to pinch a loaf and boy I give the gleaming
tile a score of 30, they were so twinkly and serene. In the end both me
and the director of that godforsaken movie produced the same thing. Need I
saw more?"
Score = "60" "It was good the first half and second was
like what the hell happen. Russel Crowe tried to be Schwarzenegger in this
film, i dont think so. Meg Ryan was to much of a soft and trying to be
sexy type of person in this movie after her husband got kidnapped
""?"" this film was not the worst but i really dont
see the big deal about this movie, it was kind of cheesy and the action
was slow. "
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