The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle  Weekend B Office DVD and Video Movie Navigator  2000 R Schedule Oscars 2000

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The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle: Friday Jun 30, 2000

After years of being trapped in a two-dimensional animated world, those villainous spies from Pottsylvania, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale have broken the secret code and made the leap into the real world (hiss!) led by the dastardly Fearless Leader (double hiss!). But have no fear-Rocky and Bullwinkle are here (wild applause!)…get ready for the 21st century.

Universal Pictures’ and Tribeca Productions’ The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an innovative and irreverent live-action/animated comedy adventure based on Jay Ward’s classic cartoon, which combines the talents of Robert De Niro as the insidious Fearless Leader, Jason Alexander as the evil Boris Badenov and Rene Russo as the seductress Natasha Fatale. In addition to cameos from such names as Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Carl Reiner and others, the trio are joined by a CGI-created Rocky and Bullwinkle from the wizards of Industrial Light & Magic. © 2000 Universal Studios



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Ebert UsaToday Mr Showbiz Herald Average
Points 75 62.5 80 25 60.63


60.63 - Go See At Matinee

notworth.jpg (2646 bytes)

Rating System:

0 - 40 points

Not Worth Seeing
40 - 65 points  Go See At Matinee
65- 85 points Worth Seeing
85-100 points Definitely worth seeing. "A must see!"


Des McAnuff 


Jay Ward,

Ken Lonergan






Rene Russo as Natasha Fatale
Robert De Niro as Fearless Leader
Ed Gale as White House Mole
Jason Alexander (I) as Boris Badenov

Running Time

1hr 45min


PG: for brief mild language


Universal Pictures


All Types


Official Site





 The People's Review of The Advetures of Rocky and Bullwinkle

Ben Hewes 
score = 10 
Not a movie worth seeing espicially for kids. I personally think this movie should be rated G because of its lack of violence and foul langauge. But I do think it will be difficult for kids to understand the plot of the story because it was on Tv before their time.Overall I Say the excellent cast of Jason Alexander,and Robert Denoro could not make up for the poor material this movie is. Although I do think the short scenes with celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg is creative.

score = 100 
it was so cool. it had alot of action and was funny the comments by wolverine and cyclcops towards each other were so funny i can't wait until the movies comes out to buy

Jay Raskin 
score = 90 
It was just so much fun. All the pleasures of childhood came rushing back to me. It captured the spirit of the 1959-1964 TV series perfectly. Deniro, Alexando and Russo are hilarious as the villains.

Nancy P 
score = 90
I loved it.  Great satire on TV and very self effacing.  How often do you see that in movies?

Chris S. 
score = 90 
If you are a R&B fan from the olden days, this is definitely worth seeing.  It is VERY funny and worth a reviewing to capture the clever dialog one might have missed the first time around -- just like with the original show. Absolutely delightful -- Ah!  The nostalgia of returning to Frostbite Falls and Wotsamatta U! I loved it!




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