The People's Review of Rules of Engagement
score = None
the movie sucked. it's plot was foolish and it gave bad credit to
people who did not deserve the credit. save that for the true
terrorist. next time someone wants to do a movie like this one, it
should be better researched and not so hollywood like.
L. Wallace
score = 90
I think the chemistry between Jones and Jackson and the message set this
movie apart from the Nickolson/Cruse film. It brought strong
feelings to mind about the risks we place our servicemen in and the extent
they go to protect us. I liked it. It had character too few
movies have these days.
score = None
This was a great movie. Was it based on a true story? Movie brought out
strong emotions about how little us civilians appreciate what those in the
service fought for and preserved for the rest of us.
score = 70
This has been done in different ways, but it always brings a lump in my
throat to realize what our 'boys' went through in the wars and don't get
the credit they deserve. Anyone that loves this country should
appreciate the message here.
score = 10
As a former Marine and one who served in Yemen, I'll just say,
OUTSTANDING! OOO-rah! Ending could have been a tad better
(maybe having an overhead satellite photo confirming the truth of what
went down). Oh well, can't be perfect.
score = 100
As a Marine, the movie loved the movie from the opening credit, another
great Marine Movie in a long list of great Msrine movies. Semper fi
score = 70
We enjoyed this movie. Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson are marvelous
actors and to see them together in one film, is worth the price of
admission. The ending was a little too pat.
score = None
it sends the wrong message to americans, it is an anti arab, anti islamic
movie tha made sick to my stomach. it is unfortuante that hollywood
once again stereotypes and labels terrorist and inhumane. shame on
score = 70
Overall Plot held up. I thought that Tommy Lee Jones played out to be a
better lawyer then anyone would have hoped for. Samuel L Jackson was good
in his role. Court Room Drama went on for a bit to long..some intense
scenes made it work but the evidence against Jackson was so strong that it
made the ending kinda hokie. But I enjoyed it more for the realistic
action and settings that made the film believable
score = 100
I thought it was one of the best movies that I have ever seen. It
made me so proud of our military men and women who serve our country so
honorably, and never truly get the respect and recognition that they so
rightly deserve.
score = 90
As a former US Marine Officer, helicopter pilot, Vietnam Veteran, West
Texan, former Air America, Inc. pilot and strong believer in our
system of government along with truth, honesty, integrity, and dedication,
I admired the movie and story. The story told of the changing
responsibility of our military men and the risk and responsibilities of
those individuals. Their split second and immediate decision making
capabilities and responsibilities are massive. The pressure on these
individuals is nearly unbelievable. They are being held accountable for
those split second assessments of serious decision making
responsibilities. The movie showed how politicians can Sunday
morning quarterback the game after the fact and screw over
individual worthy Americans to satisfy their own agendas. The weak
link in our system is the bureacrats which has been proven over and over
again. The ending was a little weak, but the guts of the story by
far made up for it. The actors must be commended on a wonderful
performance. WesTexan
score = 80
in think "Rules of Engagment" is a movie that is worth seeing
because it shows what really happens during combat, and the tough
decisions that many people have to make in the spur of the moment,weither
the decision is good or bad.
V Vinson
score = 90
This was all about character and conviction. I didn't see anti-arab
sentiment;I suspect the person who said that is not of Arab decent. It
gave a clear example of how those who have never experienced conflict are
quick to condemn those who have. Great film.
score = None
I agree with the person who wrote that this movie is racist and anti Arab.
shame on paramount pictures making such a film.William Fredkin should stop
making racist anti Arab movies. Shame on you William.
score = 80
Critic’s Corner: Rules of Engagement is a great movie that employs
military excitement with honor and prestige. If you are a military fan
like I am, this movie really gets you pumped up. Through some of the
movie, different scenes may confuse you at first, yet after certain
portions of film are revealed, you get a better understanding. The movie
really portrays the lack of understanding o9f the U.S. Military and what
it stands for. It also shows the lying and cover-ups that disease all
governments. A good movie. This is another movie that makes the American
public afraid of the U.S. government and military. It shows the
evil-mindedness of the NSA and what happens when a decorated officer makes
a “so-called” mistake. In the end, it is revealed why the officer
(Childers) made the decision. This movie is a good watch that will make
you mad and happy, at the same time.