Steal This Movie! | Weekend B Office | DVD and Video | Movie Navigator | 2000 R Schedule | Oscars 2000 |
1968, Abbie Hoffman stood trial with seven others for "inciting"
riots at the Democratic National Convention.... Where were you? .
Steal This Movie (2000 Film) [SOUNDTRACK] Get Steal This Movie on Video or DVD
Rating System:
Robert Greenwald
Bruce Graham
Drama / Romanace
1hr 51min
Rated R for language, drug content and some nudity.
Lions Gate Films
The People's Review of Steal This Movie! Yippie! score = 90 Saw the movie at a special benefit screening in Seattle last weekend & it was great. Terrific performances all around. Janeane, who I thought was just a comedic actor, turns in the performance of a lifetime here for director Robert Greenwald. He too deserves credit, for interlacing actual footage of events and intercutting it with reshot footage. Some bits seem to hit over the head a little hard but overall a very fun film. Break out a joint and enjoy! Yippie!