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Stir of Echoes: Friday, September 10, 1999

From Artisan Entertainment, the people that brought us the much hyped Blair Witch Project, comes another much hyped movie: A Stir of Echoes. While the hype hasn't been as mammoth as that of Blair Witch, A Stir of echoes has been stirring up quite a buzz. The trailer has been playing with The Sixth Sense and Blair Witch for weeks now, and given all the positive reviews received so far, this movie looks like it could be heading towards some major success, thanks in part to The 6th Sense which has been the number one movie for five consecutive weeks


Like, The 6th Sense, A Stir of Echoes taps into the supernatural world. 
Tom Witzky (Kevin Bacon) is very skeptical about the supernatural world. For fun, he lets himself be hypnotized at a neighborhood party. The post-hypnotics suggestion opens his mind to a whole new world, and he becomes obsessed with the notion that there is a supernatural presence living in his home. While trying to discover what it all means, he discovers a horrible neighborhood secret.

This is David Koepp's sophomore attempt at the director's chair. His first movie The Trigger Effect was ill-received by the critics. He is best known and distinguished for this screenwriting work in such blockbusters such as Mission Impossible and Jurassic park.

For more reviews click here

For Peoples Review of Stir of Echoes scroll down the page
















 70.12- Worth Seeing


Rating System:

0 - 40 points

Not Worth Seeing

40 - 65 points  Go See At Matinee
65- 85 points Worth Seeing
85-100 points Definitely worth seeing. "A must see!"


David Koepp


David Koepp




A man with ESP struggles with his own sanity while investigating a murder.


Kevin Bacon as Tom Witzky
Kathryn Erbe as Maggie Witzky 
Illeana Douglas as Lisa 


Running Time

1-hr. 50-mins.


Rated R for violence, sexuality and language.


Artisan Entertainment


Real Player


 Official Site


SoundTrack from 


 The People's Review of Stir of Echoes


score = 90
Not as good as The Sixth Sense in general quality, but about five times scarier. The way things were shown in small bits and clips like a jigsaw puzzle was creepy. But the effect that really chilled me down to the bone was the way they filmed the girl move - sort of jerky and just plain not right. If you're in the mood to get the hell scared out of you, rent this movie, wait until night, turn out the lights, and enjoy.



score -> 100 

Great movie!!!  This movie scared the hell out of me!  In my opinion, Stir of Echoes blew The Sixth Sense out of the water...  Kevin Bacon was fabulous!



score -> 100 

This was a wonderful movie!  Funny, wonderfully directed, and most of all - the scariest movie I've ever seen!!!  A must see!



The scariest movie I have ever seen!  It was wonderful!  Stir of Echoes had everyone in the theater jumping out of their seats!  If you haven't seen it yet, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease go see Stir of Echoes now!!!!!



score = None
Pooh pooh, you naughty people shouldn't be watching this movie.



score = 90
I've never been so scared in my life!!  The movie was wonderfully frightening.   I think I will go see it in the theater again!! :)



score = 100
Totally Freaky!  It was GREAT!



score = 100
Good movie but not scary!  It does keep your attention throughout and has quite a few funny lines in the middle of a serious plot.



score = 100
Awesome Movie  



score = 100
If you liked the sixth sence you need to see this movie! i loved it (and there nothing like kevin bacon with no shirt on, whoa hold me back!)



I managed to watch the 1st 35 minutes of this movie and finally had to leave. It was just to frightening fo me. I am curious to see the end though. I however thought 6th sense wasgreat but also scary as hell



I loved this movie - it still freaks me out to think about it.



score = 20

This movie was terrible.  Part way through I just couldn't stop laughing... and let's just say I wasn't laughing _with_ the movie.


score = 90
This is a good, B+ movie in my book.  However, i'm sure everyone's seen this before.  Wheather it be in The Twilight Zone, X-files, or any other of the new, freaky, apocalyptic flicks. How about Kevin Bacon's Chicago accent?!



score = 90
Stir of Echoes is not the sixth sense but is more active and 'creepy' than it. See Stir of Echoes, I recommend it. But don't expect it to be sixth sense. Stir of Echoes has its own sense of creepy and supenseful fun to its own.