

When I first saw
the trailer for this movie I was intrigued. A modern remake
of Snow White in a college setting . . . sounds interesting.
How would they pull that off? I’m also a fan of Amanda Bynes
so that was icing on the cake. Unfortunately I was not
satisfied. The movie was cute and that’s about it. It falls
in the Not Another Teen Movie category disguised as a
college level entry. This movie is geared toward the
pre-teen to late-teen crowd and even there it is not
guaranteed. There is nothing really special about this
project. Obviously the plot is predictable, there weren’t
any special effects, the acting was average, the script was
average and corny at times, and whatever conflicts and
intensities existed were weak. What makes the movie worth
watching at all are the lovable characters and the way they
tied this story to the Snow White story (out of respect for
Sydney White (Amanda Bynes) is off to college, the same one
her late mother went to. She also wants to join the same
sorority that her mother was a member of. At the sorority
house she encounters the wicked witch, or is it bitch.
Rachel (Sara Paxton) is the ruler of the school in everyway.
She is the president of the sorority as well as the student
body. She is beautiful, rich, powerful, influential (only to
get her way), and connected. The prince is represented by
Tyler (Matt Long), a noble, good-hearted and good-looking
guy who is captivated by Sydney’s beauty, simplicity, and
charm. The problem is that he is Rachel’s ex-boyfriend and
when she sees his interest in Sydney, she does everything in
her power to make her life impossible.
The characters in this movie are cleverly linked to the Snow
White story. There is a prince, a witch, of course Ms.
White, and even the seven dwarfs are represented by seven
dorks. There is an attachment to the characters mostly due
to the link and their endearing nature. This is, however,
about as much emotion this movie will bring out of you. The
actors performances were bland. I was hoping for a little
more from Amanda at least, but I’ve seen her do better in
other films. No one really stood out. There is a scene where
Sydney is crying in the rain. Her crying was about as real
and believable as the Snow White fairly tale itself. The
story line was also clever in its link to Snow White. There
is a relationship between Sydney and the dorks, the concept
of the magical mirror is done, there is a poisoned apple,
Sydney does fall asleep, and the prince does wake her with a
kiss. How the filmmakers accomplished this was pretty neat,
but again, that’s about as far as it goes. One of the
funnier moments in the movie is when one of the dorks makes
use of the ever popular “Hi Ho” phrase from the original.
I’m sure you can imagine how it was used. The script was
plain and the cinematography was lackluster. This concept
had a lot of potential, but they kept it simple. Director
Joe Nussbaum (Sleepover, American Pie: The Naked Mile) along
with Writer Chad Creasey seem to be a little confused as
well. The simplicity of it would be enough to please a much
younger crowd and yet it is PG-13 with a college setting. Is
this movie meant for kids, or is it meant for late-teen to
college goers? It would be a better fit at PG with a high
school setting at most to make it a little more kid
friendly. Again, the movie is cute, but overall I don’t
think Sydney’s older sister, Snow, would be too pleased with
Review By Cine Marcos
People Movie Review
Sydney White
Molly |
100 |
It was so good. I loved it, she was
hilarious. Hott boys, pretty girls, and
humor makes it a movie for everyone! i
would strongly reccomend it! |
Submit Your Movie Review
Director: Joe Nussbaum
Writer: Chad Gomez Creasey
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Amanda Bynes
Sara Paxton
Matt Long
Jack Carpenter
Jeremy Howard
John Schneider
Producer: James
G. Robinson
Clifford Werber
David Robinson
Distributor: UNIVERSAL
PG-13 for some language, sexual
humor and partying.
Release Date: September 21, 2007
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