

It’s that time of
year again . . . hot dogs, Cracker Jack, and baseball. And
when it comes to baseball, we’re at the most exciting part
of the season, the playoffs and ultimately the World Series.
In the spirit of the sport, this movie couldn’t have come
out at a more appropriate time. If you are a fan of baseball
or of sports in general, chances are you will like this
movie. It is a simple production of a simple movie about
simple people in a simple town. The complexity and potency
of this film comes from the true story it is based on and
the passion for baseball. The passion is evident through the
Norway High School baseball team. Baseball for this team and
for the people of Norway, Iowa (population 586) is more than
tradition, it is their lives. In the midst of all the heavy
drama and strong action movies that are out now, this is a
decent feel-good movie that is a nice change of pace. What
makes it special is how the kids of this high school face
incredible odds and still manage to win the State
Championship not once or twice, but 19 times in 23 years.
The tale of this team takes us to the end of its 19th
championship season and the tribulations that arise as they
seek their 20th. The State of Iowa, in trying to cut costs,
is consolidating smaller schools into larger ones. This
decision eliminates Norway High and dismantles the dynasty
baseball team which is completely devastating to the team
and the people of Norway. Compare it to if the Yankees were
moved out of New York. The school has one year left of
operation and thus the infamous baseball team has one “Final
Season”. To make matters worse, the legendary coach of this
team for the majority of its championships, Coach Jim Van
Scoyoc (Powers Boothe) is fired in an attempt to ease the
dismantling process via a losing season. A former assistant
coach, Kent Stock (Sean Astin) is hired as a joke to coach
the team for this last season in order to facilitate the
failure. The real challenge begins as Kent tries to win over
his team and inspire them to fight for one more championship
so they can go out as winners in the midst of this tragedy.
Baseball players are grown in the small town of Norway. The
skills and fundamentals are passed down from generation to
generation and they culminate into the Norway High School
baseball team. The actors in this movie form a pretty good
team as well. No performance stands out too far from the
rest but as a collective they did a great job in telling
this incredible story. Honorable mention goes to Powers
Boothe whose presence on the screen is power-ful (sorry, I
couldn’t hold that one back). His stern face and strong
voice demand undivided attention. The landscapes of fields
and farmlands of this Midwestern town will humble you. The
shots on the baseball diamonds will make you want to grab a
bat and play ball. There are some similarities between this
movie and the Bad News Bears, but even though the story line
is typical and predictable, the fact that it is based on
real events will make you cheer.
I was impressed with how Director David Evans (The Sandlot)
was able to maintain the simplicity of the characters and
performances and avoid dramatic overkill. In the case of
this movie, the focus needs to be on the story and its
powerful themes. Change equals pain many times in life.
Success comes in how you deal with it. Are you going to take
it head on and come out as a winner or just give up and
lose? As Coach Stock told his team: “How do you want to be
Review By Cine Marcos
People Movie Review
The Final Season
Unknown |
100 |
Being from Iowa myself, and having a
brother that played on an Iowa varsity
high school baseball team, I can tell
you that this story kind of hits home
for me. The movie goes to show the
values that Iowa not only places on
baseball but on all high school
athletics as well. It is hard to imagine
the tradition that the Norway baseball
team would still have today if the
school had not merged. Norway's high
school and baseball tradition are now
lost, but the values of Iowa and its
athletics will always live on. |
Moviebuff |
100 |
This is a fantastic movie told in a
special way. Not only does it have a
great story, it has incredible baseball
action. If you like baseball, you will
love this movie. If you don't like
baseball you will still love this movie. |
Cinema |
90 |
"The Final Season" is the best
feel-good movie I've seen in years -- a
welcome change of pace from the steady
run of violent finms we've seen lately.
Great for the kids and the kids in
adults. See it! |
Darrell Clark |
70 |
Not a bad movie. Some of it just has to
be dramatic license: a high school
pitcher with a 95 mph fastball? I doubt
it. And a pitch that almost hits the
batter's head is a strike? I doubt that,
too. And a player in danger of being
ejected for yelling at his teammates? I
don't believe that either. If this movie
is for kids, why use the bulls**t? Or
pi**ing off the baseball gods?
Four-letter words are NOT for kids, just
for foul-mouthed adults. |
90 |
I liked this movie because the actors
looked and played like ballplayers. One
of the biggest complaints I have about
Sport movies is that the characters look
and play like actors not atheletes.
These guys looked the part...the
situation is of course embellished by
Hollywood but the story is beleiveable.
I loved the way the kids started to
believe in themselves and I liked the
way Sean Astin handled them...it's a
better than most baseball movie and
should be seen! If you like baseball,
and better yet played baseball at this
level you will love the movie...Good job
guys! |
Submit Your Movie Review
Director: David M. Evans
Writer: Art D'Alessandro
Genre: Drama Sports
Duration: 1hr 53 mins
Staring: Michael Angarano Powers Boothe Sean Astin Tom Arnold
Producer: Steven Schott
Michael Wasserman
Herschel Weingrod
Parker Widemire
Tony Wilson
Distributor: YARI FILM GROUP
PG for language, thematic elements
and some teen smoking
Release Date: October 12, 2007
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