The Muse

The Muse: Friday, August 27, 1999

The Muse, the movie that was dumped by Paramount, and took about a year to find a home at the newly developed USA Films, is getting good reviews. Director Albert Brooks best know for Lost in America (1985) and  Defending Your Life (1991) also wrote and stars in this movie about a writer looking for some inspirations. He finds the inspiration he needs in sarah(The Muse) played by Sharon Stone, but he soon discovers that having your own muse isn't all it's crack up to be. Having seen my fair share of Albert Brook movies, I must admit that his blend of comedy doesn't appeal to me and probably won't appeal to the movie-going crowd. Maybe, I've been to dumb down, by movies like American Pie, Waterboy,  South Park and Something about Mary. Nay! More Reviews

Reviewers Ebert UsaToday Mrshowbiz TVguide Average
Points 75 62.5 63 40 60.13

60.13 - Go see at Matinee

Rating System:

0 - 40 points

Not Worth Seeing
40 - 65 points  Go See At Matinee
65- 85 points Worth Seeing
85-100 points Definitely worth seeing. "A must see!"



Albert Brooks 


Albert Brooks 
Monica Johnson 


Comedy / Drama 


A down-on-his-luck Hollywood screenwriter finds a woman who is for all intends a real-life 'muse' who's sparked other big writers and directors to creative greatness. But when she enters his life the results turn his world upside down.


Albert Brooks as Steven Phillips 
Sharon Stone as Sarah
Andie MacDowell as Andie MacDowell
Jeff Bridges as Jack Warrick 


Running Time

97 mins


Rated PG-13 for brief nudity


 USA Films


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