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The Patriot: Friday June 30, 2000

In the emotionally-charged adventure THE PATRIOT, Academy Award® winner Mel Gibson stars as Benjamin Martin, a reluctant hero who is swept into the American Revolution when the war reaches his home and threatens his family.

A hero of the fierce French and Indian conflict, Martin had renounced fighting forever to raise his family in peace. But when the British arrive at his South Carolina home and endanger what he holds most dear, Martin takes up arms alongside his idealistic patriot son, Gabriel (Heath Ledger of 10 Things I Hate About You), and leads a brave rebel Militia into battle against a relentless and overwhelming English army. In the process, he discovers the only way to protect his family is to fight for a young nation's freedom. © 2000 Sony Pictures


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Ebert UsaToday Mr Showbiz Herald Average
Points 75 75 44 75 67.25


67.25 - Worth Seeing

notworth.jpg (2646 bytes)

Rating System:

0 - 40 points

Not Worth Seeing
40 - 65 points  Go See At Matinee
65- 85 points Worth Seeing
85-100 points Definitely worth seeing. "A must see!"


Roland Emmerich 


Robert Rodat






Mel Gibson as Benjamin Martin
Heath Ledger as Gabriel Martin
Joely Richardson as Charlotte

Running Time

2hr 38min


Rated: R  for strong war violence


Columbia Pictures,

Sony Pictures




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 The People's Review of The Patriot 

score = 100
This is the best film I saw last year. Although I must admit that I don't agree with how the Americans treat the British in this movie.  The Americans are good and the British are the evil, when at war everybody is the same and everybody could be a butcher if we were at war. But anyway, I like it very much specially because of the actors, specially JASON ISAACS who is the best one.  He plays his role very well and when I saw the film he was so expressive that made me hate him. This is the kind of actors I like.

Glenn Arnold
score = 100
Outstanding movie, story, and talents (but could have been an "EPIC").  Never hurts for the young to see what combat is like (to save maybe from actually experiencing it), and how it can effect all people.  This showed an excellant example of how life is often based on the losses suffered during it, which may come often and so unexpectedly.  Again, it is good for all ages to see.  I would like to see a follow-up on Benjamin Martin's experience during the French & Indian War.  This is an often forgotten war, and not much is ever portrayed on how the F & I War was also fought in the South.  This would be a good movie project, since there are theorists these days that argue the F & I War should be considered OUR FIRST "World-War".  A portrayal of Native American contributions to both the F & I War, and the Revolutionary War would also be interesting and educational.  I think both the most recent "Last of the Mohicans" and now "The Patriot" stand to be the most realistic educational tools for contemporary school age children AND history buffs for that era of our history.  Suggestion: More emphasis should be placed on HISTORICAL FACT AND ACCURACY if it is possible (for example; explaining more about Cowpens and King's Mountian) would do justice.  All in all ... I will enjoy this more than once.

score = 90
I highly recommend people of mature age seeing it. I coincidently rented it last night, today being Veteran's Day, it made perfect timing. It is a show that you may not want to see more than once, but should definitely be seen once. Mel Gibson and the actor who plays "Gabriel" (his son), do a fantastic job. It brings about a sense of patriotism I think, at least it did to me, and it made me feel more for our country. It made me think about how we got to where we are today thanks to all of the soldiers and men who have ever fought for our freedom. I say to them, THANK YOU!:)

score = 60
I thought that it was a pretty god movie, but it was rather predictible. Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger were awsome actors in this movie but I believe that I've seen better.  I love Mel Gibson's "Braveheart" and Heath Ledger's "10 Things I Hate About You" but I have to say that one of my favorite movies is Tom Cruises "Mission:Impossible-2".

score = 100
Patriot is one of the best movie i even seen .. is touch me .. one of the best part his daughter call him daddy.. it was so touchy and the story is so nice.. i love that movie i hope there are part 2 of it

score = 50 
Despite some nice filming, and some moments, I was truly disappointed with this movie. Don't know much about American history, or historical accuracy for that matter. Still far too many cliches, predictable "drama", and Mel Gibson running in Slooooow Motion, waving the american flag, seeking up the exceptionally evil Bad Guy amongst thousens of soldiers, and making the whole battle stop around them while they fight each other, and eventually winning the war (of course). And in slow mo.. accompanied by some off-mood tunes. For some reason I was thinking more of some old movie: the Postman? with Kevin Costner.. If you want a good war movie go watch Braveheart, Saving private Ryan, Gettysburgh etc...

score = 90 
I thought it was great. good plot and character development, plus action sequences and graphics. seens involving computer generated navy were well done recreating pitch of ships and firing of guns. appeared real. must see movie

Jerry Stratton 
score = 100 
Thank you for raising awareness of what some of our forefathers withstood so that we today are free.  This was a film take took me through the full range of emotions.  When the movie was over I sat there hoping there was more.  This is a movie I have flashbacks about.  Thank you for the entertainment

score = 100 
I loved the film.   But I didn't go see it because of it's historical accuracy, I loved the story in the midst of the Revolution.  I especially loved the performances of Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger and Jason Isaacs.  Their performances are definately worth Oscar nominations.

score = 90 
This movie ie very very good !!! But some parts of it is sad ... (:-(  I really think it was trying to show people whar the past was really like during a war ... How sad it is to watch your house being bernt down ... And also how sad it is to see your kids being killed ...   (:-(

score = 100 
This is the best film I have ever seen! Mel Gibson is the absolute best actor! He shows the feeling and gets you into the story so well! This movie is a MUST see!

Jodie Morrow 
score = 100 
Thank you to the makers of this movie, it was such a wonderful movie. It was so realistic for that era and such a relief that the language was not constant four letter words, which is realistic due to the fact that those fighting men would have been dishonorably discharged for the use of language that is thrown around so free in the movies today. My forefathers fought in the Revolutionary War and I know for a fact that the language used today would not have been tolerated. Thanks again to all who had anything to do with this movie, please make more like it that make us proud to be Americans, we need it so bad today. Mel Gibson was wonderful in his characterization. Thank you, thank you!

score = 90 
The best movie that has been out since Braveheart...a MUST SEE! Gibson/Emmerich are faithful to the spirit of the American revolution and to the heroes that died for the freedom this country has enjoyed. The characters were magnificent...fathers loved their children and were men of honor, no profanity, no immorality. The story of love of family and country is one that is much needed in America today. Your heart will pound, your patriotism will be renewed! SEE IT!

score = 80 
i think that the movie was really good. i think that mel gibson of course was an awesome and passionate actor. although i did like the movie very much i felt that the commercials for it and previews made it sound better than it really was.i felt that the scene when gabriels wife died could have been a little more dramatic in the fact that gabriel really didn't show too much pain and sorrow in the fact that she was dead, he just went off and tried to kill someone. i guess that i expected more of a romance which it really wasn't it was more about mel's love for his family, but i did indeed fell that the movie was very well written and that the actors, mel gibson and heath ledger and the daughter susan was absolutely amazing.

score = 30 
Some of the history was right, some of the history was wrong, but in the end, I don't think it much mattered.  This movie is about brutality and revenge.  It could have been set in the Civil War with a costume change (the rate of casualties during the battle already reflects 100 years of advances in weapons), or in the Gulf War if Gibson/Martin were Kuwaiti.  It doesn't offer much about why men fought (everyone seems to have had family killed by the British -- it's a surprise anyone was left to start the country) or why they chose which side (indeed, this is truly us versus the evil British).  The thinking reflects at least a 19th century, if not 20th century viewpoint.  (Very few if any would have really thought of the colonies as a "nation" in 1776, anymore than Europeans now regard the EC as a nation.  Even after the war, it was a federation at best.  And Gibson's speech, while picking up the "taxation without representation" catchphrase we learned in grade school, also reflects thinking about tyranny by the legislature that evolved only in the succeeding couple of decades with the experience gained under the states' new governments). The film has its moments (I laughed, I cried) and is good Hollywood filmmaking (especially if your taste runs to graphic violence), but if you want to get a sense for the Revolution, stay home and read a book.  Historical rant aside, my wife, who has no interest in the history whatsoever, was able to predict virtually every major turn in the movie.  I disagree with another review saying you were on the edge of your seat.  There wasn't any suspense at all, as far as I could see.

sue jandt 
score = 100 
I felt like I was there feeling all the pain along with Benjamin Martin.  When his sons are killed it was VERY powerful and heart wrenching.  His reluctance to enter the war, for the protection of his family, is so commendable that I felt bad that he had to fight at all.  Mel Gibson is able to portray his character with such skill that I felt everything that happened to him as though I were sharing it.  The pain it caused him to let his son, Gabrial, leave for the militia; the anguish of his memories from the French and Indian War that he cannot shore with anyone; his obvious love for his children; his reluctance to join in the war which he knows will be horrible and bloody; his fear for his family's well being ; and mostly his pain at the loss of his two sons. I felt it all and it was over-whelmingly emotional.  I wept a few tears when Gabrial died in ben's arms.  As well as when little Susan finally spoke to her father.  And I cheered at the screen when Gen. Cornwallis' dogs chose Martin over the Redcoat. THe only thing I would have liked tosee more of would be romance for Benjamin. It became clear at the end that he and his sister -in -law had obviously had a little "romance" but I would have like to have seen that explored more in the plot.  But I am a sucker for romance all the tiime.  It would seem that the emotions the director wanted brought to the fore were fatherly love and family pain instead of steaming romance. And Mel Gibson did it perfectly.  I only wish that with such an incredible leading man as Mel Gibson, that they could have let him smolder a little more.  But, I am just a farmwife in her mid thirties in Wisconsin and I don't know anything about film production or screen writing so I will leave those decisions to the experts.  I do know literature though and I like the actuality of the period that they obviously strove to retain.  It was very well done.  I will definitely see this film again and it will have a permanant place in my heart's list of all-time favorite films.

score = 100 
I loved the movie it was great and full of passion and realicst feeling And I think It a must see movie.

score = 100 
This is the best movie of the summer!!You're either on the edge of your seat from the spectacular visual effects,laughing from the hilariouse jokes,or crying when the sad scenes come.I recomend seeing it now!!!!

Leslie Sherman 
score = 90 
Both my husband and I thought the movie was excellent. In fact, we could have watched for another hour. I felt that it was true to American History with very few liberties taken. We only had one question as to the character. Was he loosly based on Francis Marion, "The Swamp Fox:? We would appreciate a reply.

score = 30 
braveheart with a wig! the music is smarmy, the love interests were not needed in an action flick, that young girl would never have given a political speech in the church during that time period, and mel's toupe is too far down on his forehead.  he must really need the rent money to appear in this tripe.

Gary H. Goolsby 
score = 100 
I think this movie is very relevant to the history of our country.  I know it is fiction, but there had to have been thousands of "Martins" at the time of our nations revolution.  I thought it brought out the brutatality of war and dramatized the horror that Martin went through to "Make War".  That war required courage from men, women and children.  Could you not feel the blood pounding through Martins forehead as he was trying to save Gaberial from being hanged... that kind of horror SHOULD send all fathers to war. Makes me wonder if we could do it again... considering how spoiled we have become. I also noticed the similarity to Braveheart... but all movies that portray this type of bravery and courage have to have that bonding theme... even "The Alamo" God bless America and all the brave Patriots of all our wars.

score = 100 
The movie was awesome. I came out thinking how grateful I am to those who sacrifice to give us our freedom.It was not only a good fourth of July movie but anytime movie. I also loved the scenary. God Bless America!!!

score = 40 
This film was deeply disappointing. The filming was excellant, the battle scenes realistic and the period details appeared accurate. However,it's virulent anti-British tone was simplistic and insulting. George Washington estimated that the colonials were divided i/3 rebels 1/3 loyalist and 1/3 neutral. This film does nothing to explain this. The British are portrayed as Nazis in Redcoats, the only loyalist as an ineffectual tool of the arrogant and cruel British. There were doubtless many acts of cruelty in the war (including many acts of vicious treatment meted out to loyalists by the so-called friends of liberty). The burning of a village population in a church by the "wicked British" is an absurd falsification of the historical record. If need be let us have a good action movie with no politics. But if the movie is going into the context surely audiences are mature enough to appreciate the complexity of politics in the colonies in 1776. The Revolution was the first American Civil War and created two nations - the 'patriot' USA and 'loyalist' Canada. This is an interesting story that was not only missed by the makers of 'The Patriot'but is actually made incomprehensible by the charactures portrayed.

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