By | January 15, 2025

Here is the trailer from the upcoming film “SISTERHOOD.” The film is directed by Nora El Hourch, starring Léah Aubert, Salma Takaline, Médina Diarra, Mounir Margoum, Bérénice Bejo, Oscar El Hafiane.

Despite their different social backgrounds, Amina, Djeneba, and Zineb have been friends for as long as they can remember. When Zineb experiences harassment from her brother’s best friend, Amina decides to post a compromising video of him on social media, hoping he will stop. Little does she know that the video will not only jeopardize her safety, but also threaten their close-knit friendship. Torn between her sense of social justice and the desire to save her friendship with Djeneba and Zineb, Amina will have to rethink her own place in the world.

A poignantly contemporary film about a generation of young women growing up in the wake of the #MeToo movement, Nora El Hourch’s Sisterhood demonstrates that growing up is anything but easy.


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